Checking in with links

May 03, 2010 14:47

So. It is time to catch up.

First of all, I have taken Betsy (my previous computer, lost to the Compocalypse) to the Data Resurrectionist, and he says that the OS (which is pretending not to exist) isn't just the problem--some of the files are corrupted as well, perhaps 10% of them, but he'll retrieve what he can. God knows how much this will ( Read more... )

disasters, computer: betsy, wizard of oz, tribulations, appropriate responses to bad situations, stephen king, house of bark, twilight, sherlock holmes, tumblr, movies, shenanigans, sam, this is going to end well, alabama is the center of the universe, deaths, computers

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Comments 77

ceebeegee May 3 2010, 19:57:34 UTC
Re: asshole who are messing with your tires--

People really suck sometimes. There are some thug teens in my building who've been systematically breaking the lock so anyone can just walk out. They literally tear off the panel and rip out the wires. It's a big ol Eff You to the landlord and anyone who, you know, wants a secure building. I hope they catch your tire-tamperers and throw their thug asses in jail.


lunaspec_gimmy May 3 2010, 20:02:33 UTC
Your neighbourhood kids sound irritatingly sneaky and patient. Ours just get a bunch of keys and run with them down a line of parked cars. I hope they get caught.


cleolinda May 3 2010, 20:04:43 UTC
Well, someone also smashed in a car window (ours) a few years ago one Christmas Eve. I can't swear that it's the same kids, because that's a bit much even for them, but...


lunaspec_gimmy May 3 2010, 21:02:22 UTC
Someone just did that to my friend's car. Thankfully the insurance covered it. I just love living in London.


(The comment has been removed)

lunaspec_gimmy May 3 2010, 21:03:30 UTC
Oh my lord I really want to see that article.


flamingtoilet May 3 2010, 23:53:45 UTC
Oh, thank god I'm not the only one who read it that way.


sea_of_tethys May 3 2010, 20:04:39 UTC
Ugh, that sucks about your car. And your computer.

Our neighbour slashed our tyres once -- for some reason he went on a rampage through the neighbourhood slashing everyone's tyres in a spirit of youthful hijinks (only not that youthful -- I think he was 20!). Because he was an idiot, he also vandalised the car of a much-feared local gangster, who politely suggested he might like to leave the country for a while. In conclusion: you need a local gangster.


cleolinda May 3 2010, 20:05:15 UTC
I love that you have a local gangster.


sea_of_tethys May 3 2010, 21:14:11 UTC
The funny thing is, it's not as scary a neighbourhood as it sounds... there's just this one guy who you do not mess with.


cmdr_zoom May 3 2010, 21:36:08 UTC
Once, this was known as "feudalism."


elbales May 3 2010, 20:09:00 UTC
Ugh, destructive people suck. I mean seriously suck. I hope you can get some resolution on this soon.


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