So this Formspring thing keeps glitching and not letting people see older answers, which also means that people are asking duplicate questions because they can't see what I've already answered. And I am getting asked a lot.
I've answered 200, and I've got something like 83 still hidden in the inbox. So what I'm going to do is copy-paste the answers
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Comments 28
FormSpring seems to be miraculously letting you access your earlier posts - now that you've gone to all of the effort to put these on here....
Even if her face looks like a creature from the black lagoon or something, I would buy her so hard.
A. I love ASOUE like burning and B. Violets dress(es) made me realize years and years ago that I love costumes.
Also ditto on white queen, can't wait for the pics to be released <3
It's like when somebody says "I'm not a prude/I don't mean to pry, BUT"
it usually means "I am a prude/I do mean to pry, AND"
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