O hai!

Nov 10, 2009 14:10

Mistaken for someone interesting, I have been interviewed at blogcritics.org. (We did it in October, so mentally replace "next month" with "this month.") In what is probably a first, I am actually asked about The Secret Life of Dolls a good bit. Also discussed: The Third Man, nineteenth-century fancrazy, and my newest "hobby."

( Zomg e-book! The Read more... )

dolls, writing, interviews, m15m, movies, books

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haha, someone calling me a moron.... sirius20_81 November 11 2009, 02:05:56 UTC
I just found this girls idiocy hilarious and thought I'd share "lolololol the author. It's a fucking Twilight parody. You're a moron. If she didn't want it posted on the internet, she shouldn't have posted it on the internet. Good luck with that lawsuit." (found at http://www.absolutepunk.net/journal.php?do=showcomments&j=3204&e=102352 )

so, after having been nothing but polite in asking it either be removed or edited, that's the response I got. Ya'll can have some fun with that.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... senshikittie November 11 2009, 02:45:15 UTC
I tried my best, but the girl is a fucktard. Pardon the language, but it really is going to take Cleo contacting the owners of the site about the copyright infringement. Kids think because its posted online that it's free for the taking without any sort of crediting.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... senshikittie November 11 2009, 02:47:35 UTC
And I am soooo resisting the urge to troll these nubs, like people reading this have no idea how much I'm having to fight the urge. Srsly, u guise. >.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... sirius20_81 November 11 2009, 02:59:33 UTC
yeah, i think i've hit the wall with her as well. and honestly "fucktard" is a nice way to refer to her and her friends.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... senshikittie November 11 2009, 03:02:23 UTC
I do feel I have a way with words sometimes. I sent an email to Jason Tate, the owner/admin of the site, but I'm afraid it'll take Cleo speaking with him to get him to do anything. That or maybe emailing him some porn... Oh! Idea! Can we embed pictures in the blog's comments? I'm thinking they need some 4chan. j/k sorta...


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... senshikittie November 11 2009, 03:22:52 UTC
I figured out how to bold and use colors, yay! The snark has started to seep through, I think.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... piccgirl November 11 2009, 17:42:31 UTC

<3's u!

(Sorry. I will return to the gramatically correct, chewing out the ebil thief topic now.)

People are stupid. And Cleo's work is Cleo's.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... ailaes November 11 2009, 04:14:21 UTC
I highlighted it and all the 'do not repost in its entirety' stuff is not there. That alone says she knew where it was and to remove it.

What an idiot.

I've quoted several M15m and SLoD, but jesus people, give credit when you KNOW it's not yours.

I apologize, not ranting at you specifically.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... chulacabra November 11 2009, 04:25:50 UTC
I can't believe what a bitch she's being. Christ, you've been politely asked to provide a link, how hard is it to edit the post?


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... chulacabra November 11 2009, 04:33:46 UTC
Hey Cleo, my darling hubby just emailed me the following ( ... )


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... sirius20_81 November 11 2009, 04:27:22 UTC
she has, as of this posting, retitled the blog "highly amusing twilight summary which i did not write" and the first line now states that "someone named cleolinda wrote this"

i call this a win


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... chulacabra November 11 2009, 04:34:56 UTC
Yeah, but she's still violating Cleo's copyright by posting the entire parody on her site.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... sirius20_81 November 11 2009, 04:53:52 UTC
yes, but i think, short of cleo herself getting involved, this is the most we could do as fans.


Re: haha, someone calling me a moron.... sirius20_81 November 11 2009, 04:37:20 UTC
having called this a win, do we now move on to this one? http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/topic.php?uid=19863669260&topic=6336

I've already asked her to take it down, but have gotten no response. It was only 2 hours ago, so I was going to give her a little time before I said anything else about it.


moiread November 11 2009, 15:07:34 UTC
Hmm. Could this have been the Myspace bulletin that girl was referring to? (One simple Google search later...)


moiread November 11 2009, 15:14:03 UTC
And that OP refers to having found it "on the forum", which could be this.


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