My sister and her boyfriend (I generally have to fight the urge to call him "my brother-in-law," so basically, that's who he is) dropped by before going to see Watchmen (they've just left), and naturally, since he's the comics buyer for Books-a-Million, we started talking geek. And then we drifted around to action figures and dolls and specifically Twilight dolls, which will apparently be arriving at BAMs within the week, since he finagled an exclusive (well, among bookstores. SUCK IT, BORDERS) with Tonner. (I still take partial credit for this, at least as a fandom consultant.)
He is optimistic that BAM will get some kind of holiday exclusive-exclusive. He is pushing for a Sparkle Edward. Yes, he is. He really, really is. "YES, DO THAT," I said. "THE PEOPLE WANT SPARKLE EDWARD." "They do?" "OH YES. YES, THEY REALLY, REALLY DO. DO THAT." I even cited
this interview as evidence that Robert Tonner would be open to this idea. BECAUSE HE SAID SO HIMSELF ("However, I’d love to figure out a way to do Edward as he looks with the sun on his skin-that would be a challenge!"). From afar, I pull the strings (or at least tug on them gently) (MOO HA HA) ! You can thank me later.
(I also suggested an Alice, although I admitted that they would hardly give anyone a character exclusive that big. I did, however, suggest Vampire Baseball Alice as an alternative. Vampire Baseball Anybody, really. "THE PEOPLE WANT VAMPIRE BASEBALL. EVEN THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE TWILIGHT. AND THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T EVEN LIKE TWLIIGHT REALLY WANT ALICE. YES,