Just because it made me laugh

Feb 04, 2009 22:43

So: we've spent way too long discussing the Stephen King comments, and yet (I think?) you love stories about my mother. I am torn! I will err on the side of maternity.

So. My mother hasn't read anything by Stephen King OR Stephenie Meyer (that said, The Shawshank Redemption is one of her all-time favorite movies, and she did like the Twilight movie, except that Edward's future elopement with his own child was fretting her the whole time), but I started reciting the best of the indignant fan comments she got ANGRY. You know, the comments like,

  • "I think he is just jealous because he's not getting as much coverage or is well liked as Stephenie"

  • "Twilight was a much better movie than all of his movies put together, IMHO"

  • "Who [is he] to tell anyone what is good and what isn't!"

  • "I encourage Rowling and King himself to write the book that fascinates the readers at this point"


  • "Well, I do not think he can write because he is too detailed and most of his stuff is about crazy clowns or kids getting hit by cars. Then again, he is famous, but has he ever made as much as Stephenie for a movie? No, most of his movies went straight to DVD or TV"

Oh, my God, that last one in particular SENT HER. Like, she actually started ranting at the dinner table. I had to intervene (with chips and queso!) at one point, because I thought she was going to blow a circuit. I mean, the sheer "Were you actually born yesterday?" pop-cultural ignorance of some of these people was getting to me, yes, but I didn't expect her to carry on for five minutes. It was a thing of beauty, I'm telling you.

(You also get "FROM A PERSONAL READING EXPERIENCE I HAVE NEVER READ A BOOK IN MY 26 YEARS" and "dudes im not a reader like ever" later on. As someone on Sparklefield suggested, the reason this brand of Twilight fan may get so vehemently defensive is because they really haven't read any other books, so if you tell them Twilight is bad, you're basically saying that their taste in literature is 100% bad. And also, they have nothing to compare Twilight to. I'm not sure why, but it really does seem like Harry Potter has resulted in people picking up a whole slew of other books, and Twilight... has not.)

And then I told my mother about Stephenie Meyer's idea of literary discussion ("Why is Edward right about Wuthering Heights sucking?"). Emergency applications of salsa became necessary.

stephen king, twilight, conversations with my mother, wuthering heights, books, sparkle motion, my mother

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