It was a bad day. Really bad. On the upside, it's Qdoba night (we've fallen into the habit of getting takeout on Wednesdays while my stepfather goes to practice with the church... orchestra, I guess?), and I've developed a ridiculous weekly jones for their tomato jalapeño salsa, preferably on a chicken quesadilla.
Linkspam )
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I'm tempted to go get a copy from the library tomorrow and see if there are any more with skin on them. Probably not. :/
AUCTIONEER: "Lot 181. A Rare & Macabre Early 17th Century Anthropodermic Bound Book in carrying box..."
*DUN DUN dun DUN, DUN-dun. DUN DUN dun DUN...*
[The music subtly transitions to the 1812 Overture.]
EVEY: There is no way to subtly transition from Andrew Lloyd Webber to Tchaikovsky.
V: Verily, the vibrations reverberate invidiously.
EVEY: REverberate? INvidiously? You're losing your touch.
V: Silence, vixen.
Strangely, when I first read the "DUN DUN dun DUN, DUN-dun DUN DUN dun DUN..." bit, I mentally heard the "traveling" music from Van Helsing (you know, the bit with the jangly guitars that plays every time they go somewhere heroically). Recognizing my mistake, I tried to switch to something more appropriate, and my brain gave me... Swan Lake (dun dun dun dun da da DA da dun, da da DA da dun, da da DEE da dun). Clearly, my BrainTunes is set on shuffle in the soundtrack playlist this evening.
I can understand why they said that the story seemed to be lacking, but when one keeps in mind that this is not a 22 minute episode but a whole 89 minute, with no commercials, episode I will admit that it was a bit hard to get through, but it was worth it 100 times over. The extras alone made it worth the money.
There is an extra called Bite My Shiny Metal X which is a lecture explaining all the math used and abused in Futurama. I hate math as a general rule, but I have to admit I actually learned something while watching it XD
This is a phrase that should never have a reason to be said. Something inside me just died.
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