Hmm. I can't say exactly how much I got done today, since it was in scattershot places, but it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000-2500 words, so: good times. I'm actually feeling really wiped out this week, which either means that I'm fighting off some kind of incipient cold or it's a hormonal thing--I have tons of laundry to do and trash to
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Comments 39
I'm almost sure it is - Bad Blood is a classic X-File episode!
(They actually showed the ep in your icon, too--the Stephen King demon doll one. At least, I know they showed that one, and I know Mulder was busy sharpening pencils at some point during the day.)
You linkspam has made me imagine Christian Bale, as Patrick Bateman, squishing truffles.
Also, my mom does that thing like, "ARE YOU DONE YET" when I'm doing papers. It's very frustrating, because I have all the information, but I'm terrible at outlining. So I have to piece together all of my highlighting and information in a coherent matter without sounding stupid, and the, "JESSSSS, ARE YOU DONE WITH YOUR PAPER YET" doesn't seem to help. Hmm.
I try and train the family that, if they must aks, "How's it going?" is a better question. It allows for an affirmative answer if the day has gone well. "Is it done yet?" allows only for a negative, even if you've been productive.
Regardless, maybe its time to just tell her something. I totally understand in the not-knowing-when-its-done department. And its horrible lying to your mom, but sometimes it the best way to stop people asking.
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