This is totally off topic... actually, not quite off topic, as you do mention Keira and PotC 3.
You probably already know about all of this stuff already, or you are probably over the PotC:DMC ponderings, but one of my flist went to see the prop display in the Gallery over the ride in Disneyland, and took some photos which I found pretty interesting:
This is totally off topic... actually, not quite off topic, as you do mention Keira and PotC 3.
You probably already know about all of this stuff already, or you are probably over the PotC:DMC ponderings, but one of my flist went to see the prop display in the Gallery over the ride in Disneyland, and took some photos which I found pretty interesting:
I especially like the mention of Jack Sparrow's rings (I love the green dragon one!) and how each ring is significant to a different adventure.
And the lockets of Tia Dalma and Davy Jones are shaped like crabs! How cute!
*is geeky*
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