3500 4600 5200 words yesterday. I'm telling you, I go through such long dry spells and crippling bouts of deadline-induced block, only to turn around and binge now and then. I won't be keeping this pace up very long, so don't envy me too much--I have to make hay while the sun shines. I can feel myself running out of steam, too--coming to the end of
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Comments 49
You are amazing for bringing this to us.
*dies and is ded from snakes*
i'm sending it to everybody i can think of, cause i literally have nothing else to do today. lol
Of course, the whole thing about a cult movie is that it doesn't become a cult movie until after its theatrical run... and most cult movies weren't exactly box office hits...
Suffice to say (says Henry... not in those words), the best way to help Snakes on a Plane achieve the cult status it so desires is to NOT see it in the theater. Wait a bit, then dig it out of the bargain bin...
Snakes on a Plane has already achieved cult status, simply by being so far over-the-top that (as stolisomancer once put it) its makers seem to regard "the top" as a purely mythical construct having nothing to do with them. It has already proved that it's possible to make a straight-faced homage to 70s disaster movies, to laugh with the audience while they're laughing at you, and to maintain that straight face while milking the audience for more laughs. How it does at the box office is beside the point; it is made of Awesome and Win.
*crawls back under rock*
I was too small to be allowed the full adult dosage (damn my genes!) and I was in huge pain, so yeah. Painkillers are love.
Keep the initial swelling down and the aftermath will be MUCH better. Thanks to spending 8 hours on the couch alternating cheeks with them, I had almost zero pain. (Also, pain killers on an empty stomach made me throw up, so have a smoothie or something first.)
Probably the best scene I ever wrote involving a character death was one that happened spontaneously. The Muse took over my pencil, and when I finished writing the scene, I was surprised by the result. I remember thinking, Damn that's good. Where'd it come from? And it shocked the hell out of my best friend/critic, too, which was totally awesome.
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