With this and The Hobbit trailer, I am both SO! EXCITED! for 2012 movies and reminded that this year was pretty blah, movie-wise.
I wanted to see the new Sherlock Holmes but then someone spoiled me for..something (sorry, don't want to spoil anyone else) that made me grumpy, so it's been demoted to Wait Until It's On Cable status.
Oh! I forgot to say, I once had to watch Alien for a college course. I'd already seen it about a million times, but I went to the screening anyway. Watching it in a dark room with 20 or so other people who hadn't seen it before was one of the most gleeful experiences of my life. ("Aaaand they're all gonna scream...NOW!") It was great.
OMG PROMETHEUS!! Yes, that completely warrants all caps. I'm like you - my mom had me watching these when I was way to young to probably be watching them, and they are among my favorite all time movies even now.
Re: the whole Sherlock thing - I end up flipping between the two versions as they each very in quality. I was deliriously happy with the first Guy Ritchie film (because, basically, RDJ being awesome! And Rachel McAdams! Playing Irene Adler!) and have loved/quite liked the BBC version depending on what episode (I thought The Great Game dragged and got a little annoying before the cliffhanger).
Currently... I managed to see a preview of the next ep of the BBC version and it was staggeringly good (some of the best dialogue from Steven Moffatt ever, plus they're doing Irene Adler!). Sadly, the 2nd Guy Ritchie one has kinda lost a little of it's previous buzz, and also, not so much Irene :o( It would have been an awful lot more awesome if I hadn't just seen that particular episode of the BBC version, so there you go. We're just lucky to have so much choice, lol!
Word. I want to punch the Ritchie movie in its gristly face, but the horrible cheap Dinky Sherlock and Ianto Fight Rubber Dinos DVD makes me laugh like a howler monkey.
I have no idea why, but reading these comments and your story, Cleo, it seems like Aliens was THE movie to have your kids watch when they were FAR too young for it to be "appropriate." I wonder why? I was the same way--I'm pretty sure I saw it when I was like 8, and it's definitely one of my favorites.
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that they showed it on TV so much, and my dad must've been, like, "Well, it's on TV; they aren't going to show anything REALLY awful." And this was the 90s, when they still censored the "Stay away from her, you BITCH" line.
Don't know how I feel about Ripley not being the main character, just from a gut awwww-it's-an-Alien-movie-it's-gotta-have-Ripley feeling, but from a writing point of view, I'm really excited to see what they do with this movie. And besides--Ridley Scott!
See, it was on like Cinemax or whatever 24/7 when I was a kid in the late '80s--and I think they were running it again in 1993 (?) when the third movie came out. But what that means is that my mother was letting me watch it entirely unedited.
>>>dreading the wave of "WELL BUT HE'S NO BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH" comments, because, seriously, you guys, they're both no Jeremy Brett so I need you to focus
You can preface your review/m15m/whatever by some disclaimer to the effect of: "BBC-Sherlock fans who came here to leave a comment about how "their" Holmes is so much better than [insert some other Holmes here] are welcome to express their feelings on their personal blogs. Not here." Or something like that. Probably less aggressively put.
Comments 53
I wanted to see the new Sherlock Holmes but then someone spoiled me for..something (sorry, don't want to spoil anyone else) that made me grumpy, so it's been demoted to Wait Until It's On Cable status.
Currently... I managed to see a preview of the next ep of the BBC version and it was staggeringly good (some of the best dialogue from Steven Moffatt ever, plus they're doing Irene Adler!).
Sadly, the 2nd Guy Ritchie one has kinda lost a little of it's previous buzz, and also, not so much Irene :o( It would have been an awful lot more awesome if I hadn't just seen that particular episode of the BBC version, so there you go. We're just lucky to have so much choice, lol!
Word. I want to punch the Ritchie movie in its gristly face, but the horrible cheap Dinky Sherlock and Ianto Fight Rubber Dinos DVD makes me laugh like a howler monkey.
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that they showed it on TV so much, and my dad must've been, like, "Well, it's on TV; they aren't going to show anything REALLY awful." And this was the 90s, when they still censored the "Stay away from her, you BITCH" line.
Don't know how I feel about Ripley not being the main character, just from a gut awwww-it's-an-Alien-movie-it's-gotta-have-Ripley feeling, but from a writing point of view, I'm really excited to see what they do with this movie. And besides--Ridley Scott!
You can preface your review/m15m/whatever by some disclaimer to the effect of: "BBC-Sherlock fans who came here to leave a comment about how "their" Holmes is so much better than [insert some other Holmes here] are welcome to express their feelings on their personal blogs. Not here." Or something like that. Probably less aggressively put.
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