Title: Here There Be (Dragons)
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG
Word count: 1290
A/N: Cardfic for
cassiopeia7: Timestamp for
Heart of Everything - Jared returning to Trescid.
Takes place approximately eight years after the original story.
Summary: She'd thought he was dead.
Genevieve would have recognized him anywhere, the years between them be damned. )
Comments 35
Theirs is definitely not an easy life, but they I like to think that they're more than up to the challenge, especially since they've got each other. And Jared says that the scars make him look rakish.
I really do appreciate the comment, hon! Thank you!
:D they do have each other and that's all that counts! ♥
Love this. Thank you again.
what are they in town for?
Boots! *grins* Well, not exclusively, but that's where Jensen and the children were. Freedom fighters need to do supply runs as well, you know.
Would there be any chance for a full sequel one day...? :)
Honestly, hon, I'm not even sure what I'd do with a full sequel; these timestamps are fun for me because I'm sort of making it up as I go and they let me do massive time shifts that aren't possible in a proper story. I suppose there's no knowing where my mind goes, but I'm afraid that I haven't got any plans for a continuation at present. /o\
Thank you for your kind words, hon! 'Heart of Everything' is one of my favourites of my own work (I mean, come on, dragons. How can you go wrong?) and it's always a delight to know that other people like it too. ^_^
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