Stephen Wingfic Manip - Primeval

May 11, 2014 22:33

Artist: Clea2011
Characters: Stephen
Rating: 12
Warnings: None

Art for my 
trope_bingo square 'Wingfic' - that's 15/25 done, and the primeval_denial bingo card square 'Beauty'.
It's getting to that time again when the Trope Bingo deadline is drawing near (and I still haven't even got a line even though this will be filling I think 17 squares now if I count the two things I can't post yet.
Anyway, this is fairly cheesy and you all know what I'm like when there's points and things to be had, expect several weeks of extremely short and rushed work because celeste9 and tarlanx and deinonychus_1 are all aiming for blackouts and I CANNOT LET THEM BEAT ME!! *ahem*  I want to keep up with my lovely friends :D

artwork, primeval bingo, trope bingo, stephen hart

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