Drabble-meme ganked from cheesygirl

Apr 20, 2006 17:21

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble (real drabble: 100 words exactly) from you. In return, they have to post this in their journal. Post all fandoms you're willing to write for.*rubs hands together* Okay. I can write for the following fandoms ( Read more... )

meme & quiz, original scribblings, ya fic, books, ficcary, young avengers, comics

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Comments 29

aibyouka7 April 21 2006, 01:54:46 UTC
I'll give you a choice since I'm so nice. <3

Animorphs: Tobias introspect OR Tobias and Ax kiss.


Firefly: Jayne/Simon FLUFF.

Okay. So maybe I'm actually cruel. :P


clayin April 21 2006, 01:56:15 UTC
Ooh, a challenge...

*cracks knuckles and gets to work*


clayin April 21 2006, 02:21:56 UTC
Prompted by: aibyouka7
Fandom: Animorphs

Tobias’ Point Of View

I don’t know. Maybe I’m bisexual. Or pansexual, I read that one somewhere. Most likely I’m just so desperate for affection of any kind that I leap on the smallest hint of anything that isn’t active dislike and cherish it. I’m only a part of this because I was tagging along after some guy who would have stood up for anyone. Jake is fantastic and all, but I’m above kidding myself that we were friends before we were Animorphs.

But I do have friends now. A handful (talon-full?) at least.

And I can’t be stupid enough to misinterpret a kiss.


aibyouka7 April 21 2006, 02:26:34 UTC
Eeeee! That was quick. XD <3 Love.


soso April 21 2006, 02:27:46 UTC
Okay, drabble to me about an old pair of chucks (converse shoes), veganism, and college. All three in one drabble, and it must be commical in nature. I'm being specific! Or anal retentive depending on how you look at it.


clayin April 21 2006, 02:31:08 UTC
Hmm. Again with the challenge.

*shakes fist* I shall not be defeated!

*scampers off*


clayin April 21 2006, 02:43:49 UTC
Prompted by: soso
Fandom: Original

He was in college now. He really ought to know better than to taunt the vegans.

“I know, I know.” He said soothingly, holding up his hands. “When the revolution comes, I’ll be the first to go.”

She fixed him with a venomous glare, converse shoe in hand. “You believe that you’ll last that long?”

“Well yeah.” He said. “After all, those have rubber in them, right? And rubber’s made from dinosaurs. You’ll have to take them off to not be taking advantage of the poor dead dinos!”

Surprisingly, dead dinosaurs could break your nose if thrown with enough force.


soso April 21 2006, 02:47:05 UTC
*giggles madly* LOVELY!!! Thank you love. BTW - you can NUDGE people on lj! AHAHAHAHA!!!!


Yay! transemacabre April 21 2006, 05:03:12 UTC
Young Avengers, Iron Lad, please.


Re: Yay! clayin April 21 2006, 05:08:21 UTC
Procrastination for the win!

*scampers off to do so*


Re: Yay! clayin April 21 2006, 05:27:51 UTC
Prompted by: mississippienne
Fandom: Young Avengers

Kang the Conqueror crossed his arms. The Vision moved almost as if to echo him, then stopped himself, choosing instead to clench his hands into fists.

“[You are not welcome here.]” the synthoid said.

“I just want to see Cassie.” Kang demurred. “How is she, Vision?”

“[She does not want to see you.]”

“I was her first kiss, you silly boy.”

“[Iron Lad was her first kiss.]” the Vision spat. “[And you are not Iron Lad. If you come near her, Kang, I will see to it that you regret it until the day Iron Lad revenges himself on you.]”

If you want it more Iron Lad-centric, I can do that too. ^_^;;


Re: Yay! transemacabre July 19 2006, 05:31:44 UTC
That's perfect clayin, thank you!


pewter_alyssum April 21 2006, 05:41:15 UTC
ANIMORPHS, please! Somehow, Marco must be frustrated. Bonus points if spandex is mentioned.

*loves you*


clayin April 21 2006, 05:41:52 UTC
*evils happily*

*scampers off to do bidding*


clayin April 21 2006, 06:20:29 UTC
Prompted by: pewter_alyssum
Fandom: Animorphs

“You,” Marco announced, “are clearly insane.”

“Am not.” Jake retorted, almost sulkily.

“In. Sane.” Marco sing-songed. The two boys were sprawled in the grass beneath a tree, barefoot and apparently care-free. Marco rolled onto his stomach and poked his best friend in the head.

“The girl sees you in spandex and has not once started laughing at you.” He explained in a long-suffering tone. “And the longer we sit here and talk about whether or not Cassie has a crush on you, the more we both become girls. Can we just admit that I am right and move on already?”


pewter_alyssum April 21 2006, 13:18:26 UTC
That was excellent. Much love for you, my dear. *hugs & adds it to memories*


i don't get it borrowed_halo April 21 2006, 19:01:26 UTC
hey... i don't really get all this, but whatever. i think you should write something about me. i'm so full of drama and my life is never boring. the possibilites are endless. i think it could even be a best seller.


Re: i don't get it clayin April 21 2006, 19:51:36 UTC
*grin* I think I'm going to need a prompt for that. Anything in particular you want me to write about?


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