Off Route 17 ~ Part II

Nov 24, 2008 20:51

Title: Off Route 17
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Season 6, Post Flooded
Rating: R
Pairing: Buffy/Angel
Warnings: Sexual situations

Words: 8,325
Summary: “Something stable, something familiar. She needs that. She needs land and not water.” Or, Buffy and Angel’s off screen encounter shortly after her resurrection. Part I here.

They don’t touch when she slides under the covers. They don’t look at each other. She thought they could get past this, the awkward hurt, the shame, but Angel made sure the repeating pattern stayed the same )

one shot, fic, buffy/angel, off route 17

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Comments 31

helygen December 3 2008, 23:20:25 UTC
There's just so much to love about this. The language, the imagery, the gorgeous depth of feeling between them (and in each of them, separately) that you describe so eloquently - it's exquisite.


clawofcat December 4 2008, 17:57:10 UTC
Thanks so much for reading. I love many of the metaphors and turns of phrase I was able to think up for this piece. Water imagery goes a heck of a long way, I tell ya :)

As for the emotion between them, I'm very happy to hear it was spot on. This is my first Bangel piece. I'm not exactly in the habit of writing them together, but despite my pairing preferences, I really wanted to capture how they were as accurately as I could.


helygen December 4 2008, 20:56:38 UTC
I can only hope that you're inspired to write more of these two, since you do it so well.


clawofcat December 4 2008, 21:33:22 UTC
I did recently write a short gen fic set during Forever with both of them, if you'd like to read that. It's called The Hard Choices.

That is a gorgeous icon, btw.


stars_inthe_sky December 4 2008, 01:30:12 UTC
This is sincerely one of the best fics of this premise I've ever read. It was a perfectly appropriate combination of genuine sadness and the darkness that creeps up so quickly later on, and I loved the inclusion of the ice skating rink. Buffy in particular seemed so in character, and I appreciated the couple lines about Willow thinking she knows best. You also set up her torrid affair with Spike neatly, I found.

I'm not sure about the rounds of sex at the end--Angel has resisted temptation of that variety (including with Buffy) plenty of times in the past, and his mindset--selfless hero, celibate, thinking he knows what's best for Buffy--would seem to block that kind of thing from happening. I can completely see her wanting it, and those results resulting, but I don't know if he'd give in, ultimately. Not with the risks or her horrible circumstances--I think he has her on enough of a pedestal still to want to "make love" and not just fuck.


clawofcat December 4 2008, 18:21:10 UTC
This is sincerely one of the best fics of this premise I've ever read.
Thank you so much for your detailed, thoughtful review. This is my first Bangel fic. I only started reading the pairing recently. When I was planning what I would write for the ficathon, I had a feeling this was probably a frequently explored premise, but I hadn't read any myself. Very nice to hear that it stands up against the stories that came before!

I'm not sure about the rounds of sex at the endMmm, understandable. This off-screen encounter, in my mind, could have gone in inumerable directions. It's as easy for me to see him not having sex with her as it is for me to see him going for it. I juggeled how I wanted to approach that and ultimately I went there because I felt it was important to lay the groundwork for how it is she ends up with Spike. Of course she would want happiness with the one she loves, but her hopes are dashed when she can't even have that ( ... )


stars_inthe_sky December 4 2008, 22:25:19 UTC
I'm glad you explained your reasoning behind the sex scene, because it does make more sense when read that way. Also I'm glad you responded, because I have so very few opportunities in real life to nitpick characterizations on the show and beyond, and it's something I enjoy considering.

Thus: I disagree about the soullessness/sex ties. He sleeps with Darla because he wants to lose his soul and make the hole he's dug himself into go away. Eve and Nina are still almost two seasons away from existing; when he does get with them, it's different. Eve was under magical suggestion (thanks, Lorne) and he had to be convinced (by Wesley) that he could have sex without perfect happiness. All in all, I think it's pretty strongly suggested throughout both series that the perfect happiness thing is him specifically with Buffy ( ... )


trepkos February 8 2009, 10:25:10 UTC
This was great - Buffy's characterisation spot on.


clawofcat February 10 2009, 18:49:02 UTC
Thank you! I put a lot of work into this fic and how I wanted to depict this Buffy. I'm glad it worked for you.


annegables February 9 2009, 02:07:58 UTC
I have been waiting for this and it was worth it. This is really quite a believable scenerio and I could see Angel giving in and sleeping with her because he knows she needs it and that there will be no perfect happiness. Looking forward to more B/A fic from you!


clawofcat February 10 2009, 18:52:00 UTC
I have been waiting for this and it was worth it.
I'm glad I didn't disappoint! I tried being very careful how I built up this day they spend together, so the fact that you found it believable is a relief.

I have no B/A fic planned at the moment, but I definately wouldn't rule out writing them again in the future. Thanks for reading!


awaal September 13 2014, 11:00:41 UTC
The greatest compliment I can give as a B/A shipper is that this fic makes me appreciate Spuffy

Its gut wrenching and heartbreaking how Angel is completely inadequate.

This was committed to memory as cannon long ago.

Upon re-reading it is as lovely as ever.


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