Title: Grounds for Negotiation
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: AtS, Season 4
Rating: R
Pairing: Wes/Lilah
Warnings: Language and rough sex
Summary: When Wesley turns Lilah away for the last time, she tries to make a deal.
A/N: For
katiekat641, who gave me the prompts of “water” and “goodbye sex.” I’ve never written either Lilah or Wesley before, so concrit is welcome.
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Comments 12
You've definitely got the emotionally torn Wes thing down, and Lilah taking advantage is spot-on. Plus, when is shower sex not fantastic??
"...I’m a self-starter"
Shower sex is always hot, as far as I'm concerned. And I love that self-starter line. She's so snarky.
These prompts are really great. I'm working on the next one as we speak. Expect some rare pairings for these and characters I never write. Might as well throw the kitchen sink at 'em. I think you'll like the pairing I came up with for your prompt, which btw was so weird and I love. Knitting, lol? *smooch*
I only watched Ats once through but I can hear Lilah.
“Just a little fair trade.”
She was a wheeler and dealer extraordinaire.
The last time for Wes and Lilah was bound to be a struggle for control. It was.
She was a wheeler and dealer extraordinaire.Absolutely. Smart, confident, snarky. Lilah hates to lose and does whatever it takes to make sure that she lands on top. The Wes/Lilah relationship reminds me a bit of S6 Spuffy, except their battle is much more intellectual and right out there on the table. The motivations for their affair are different, obviously, but the self-loathing mixed with the moral gray areas make for two couples that have serious feelings for each other, but get caught in all the red tape ( ... )
I love how you've captured her driver's seat mentality. Especially toward the end:
Lilah had to suppress her laughter. The idiot couldn’t even see that she’d won. He was so caught up in this superficial power play, he didn’t realize that he’d been duped where it really counted.
And Wes is definitely a black hole of self-loathing here, which makes him oh-so-dangerously-sexy.
I love how you've captured her driver's seat mentality.
Heh. She is a bit like the snake tempting hesitant Eve with the apple, isn't she? Wesley knows she can't be trusted, but he can't resist the lure of what her kiss promises. She and Faith would be quite a match when it comes to getting what you want.
And Wes is definitely a black hole of self-loathing here, which makes him oh-so-dangerously-sexy.I know! I love that about him. The more emotionally unstable he got, the more I drooled over him. In this story, he seems like he's at his last rope and is going to snap at any moment. I wanted him to come across as dangerous and unpredictable and very much not ( ... )
Hot stuff, sweetie. And that's so Lilah to privately giggle at Wes thinking he has the upper hand.
I've always wondered why they killed her off when they did. It didn't really progress Wes' arch to do so. Maybe Romanov wanted out? When Eve hit the scene that next season, I was missing Lilah like whoa.
And what a train-wreck poor Wes is
I'm sure Buffy and Wesley could have compared notes about self-loathing and bedding down with the enemy. Lots of parallels between those two couples.
Thanks for reading! My computer has sort of exploded, but I'm going to try and continue to work through the prompts.
"And the Senior Partners must think that playing a couple of rounds of spank-me-daddy is a productive use of company time."
Sorry for the delay in commenting. My internet has been spotty lately and I'm still trying to catch up. :)
Me, too. They were edgy and complicated and that makes for good TV. After writing this, my friend burned me S3-4 of Angel, which I hadn't seen since they aired. I rewatched the unfolding of the Wes/Lilah relationship and boy was it delicious!
Glad you liked the banter. That was the most fun part to write. The Wesley line you quoted is also one of my favorites. He could be so sarcastic and biting when he wanted to be. Badass, tortured Wes = win!
Sorry for the delay in commenting.
No problem! I was just worried that you hadn't seen it.
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