Hell of a Day

Feb 15, 2008 21:03

Today was a really hard day. The last week and a half has been hard too. At around 11:30am I got a call from my mother while I was at work. My grandmother had not been feeling well last night, so my parents went to stay with her. At around 6am after taking her blood pressure and finding it dangerously low, they had EMS come get her and rush her to ( Read more... )

grandma, updates

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Comments 33

sevvy_o February 16 2008, 02:49:50 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry about your grandmother. I hope she gets better.


clawofcat February 17 2008, 01:29:29 UTC
Thanks. She was much improved today.


snowpuppies February 16 2008, 02:53:07 UTC
Yeah, this totally sounds like my life. Well, pretty close. I don't think I've been described as 'slim' since I was about seven years old. :P

I lost my grandmother a year ago last January, but she had the opposite problem - her mind went before her body. It was so horrible, and I still miss her every day.

Cherish every moment you have - your grandma sounds like a great lady.

If you need a chat or anything, let me know. I'll even use AIM for you. *g*


clawofcat February 17 2008, 01:37:02 UTC
Yeah, this totally sounds like my life.
Then I bet we'll have a lot to talk about when that fateful day comes when we have our much anticipated chat.

I lost my grandmother a year ago last January, but she had the opposite problem - her mind went before her body. It was so horrible, and I still miss her every day.
My grandfather had alzheimer's, and was institutionalized for a few years before he passed in '05. He wasn't a very chatty guy, but he was sweet. I remember how saddended I felt the first time he called me Karen, which is my aunt's name. I'm sorry for your loss. It isn't easy either way you slice it.

Cherish every moment you have - your grandma sounds like a great lady.
She was much improved today when I visited her. We sat and talked for 2 hours. She was cracking jokes. It takes a lot to get her down. I hope I have that sort of spunk.

If you need a chat or anything, let me know. I'll even use AIM for you. *g*What if we plan a chat date? That could be fun. Are you free at any point tomorrow? It'll just be me and my ( ... )


snowpuppies February 17 2008, 02:01:24 UTC
What time zone are you in?


clawofcat February 17 2008, 02:07:17 UTC
Eastern. NYC represent.


eowyn_315 February 16 2008, 03:09:41 UTC
*hugs* Your grandma sounds like a wonderful lady. Those kinds of things can be very scary, but it sounds like she's pretty strong-willed and won't be going anywhere without a fight. I'm hoping she makes it out of the woods soon, and wishing lots of patience and strength to you and your family - the waiting is so hard.

I hope the counseling sessions work out for you. Senior year can be very stressful, and the cause of many a future-related breakdown. But then it will all be over, and everything works out, and you'll wonder why you were so worried. :)


clawofcat February 17 2008, 01:41:08 UTC
She was much improved today. I stayed with her for two hours and we chatted the whole time until Gus swung by for a visit. Not a lot gets her down. I wish I could be so optimistic.

I'm feeling pretty down today too. Maybe counseling more than once a week would be useful. I'll play it by ear. And I know that "this too shall pass," it's just the getting through it is difficult. Thanks for your support, babe. *hugs*


vampkiss February 16 2008, 03:27:15 UTC
*big hugs* Your grandmother sounds amazing. Hope everything works out for you and your family.


clawofcat February 17 2008, 01:43:32 UTC
Thanks for the kind words. i'm happy to report she's much improved today.


only_passenger February 16 2008, 03:28:44 UTC
love on you.


only_passenger February 16 2008, 03:41:29 UTC
also, though unrelated, i wanted to pass this along, because i said i would.

the business of being born


clawofcat February 17 2008, 02:06:10 UTC
Mraw. *cuddles* After I got back last night I just wanted to go to sleep, but I appreciate the call. It made me smile. When I got off the phone, Susanna said, "Ooohh, you're smiling. Is it that girl you're all into?"

Why, yes. Yes it was. Thanks for the link, babe.


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