Random Questions for Writers/Artists

Dec 10, 2007 14:19

To all the wonderful writers/artists on my flist - 
I've been hankering for interaction the last few days as a result of my sequestered paper writing. I came up with a few questions I'm genuinely curious about concerning your fics/artwork.

What is your favorite story you've written and why? 
Your least favorite and why?  
Favorite and least favorite ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

snowpuppies December 11 2007, 02:38:08 UTC
What is your favorite story you've written and why?

Well, it would have to be Dawn Summers, Matchmaking Genius, because, well, it was so much fun to write and read and it's funny and amusing and just a little hot and a lot naughty, and it's utterly different from anything I've ever done.

As a runner-up, and a nod to HP, a fandom in which I've also written a good bit, I'd have to go with my Plans of Paper series, which is Hermione/Ginny, and was such a surprise to me when the first (then second, third and fourth) piece came out, and I really enjoyed them! I think this was so enjoyable because they were both characters that I'd never written/really thought about before, so I got to poke about in someone else's head!

Your least favorite and why? That would be "Bitch", a Spike-centric fic that was actually my first fic. Although not utterly horrible, it was poorly done and rushed - I got caught up in the feedback and the pleas for "more" and allowed myself to barrel ahead without respect to the plot I actually wanted to write, and ( ... )


Re: Least fav fic clawofcat December 19 2007, 03:14:00 UTC
That would be "Bitch", a Spike-centric fic that was actually my first fic. Although not utterly horrible, it was poorly done and rushed - I got caught up in the feedback and the pleas for "more" and allowed myself to barrel ahead without respect to the plot I actually wanted to write, and the piece was the poorer for it.Geez, I know what you mean. The first Spuffy story I wrote was "Heart of Her," which got tons of f/b and people asking for more. I had conceived it as a one-shot, but wanted to please the readers and cranked out a sequel that I didn't have any passion or inspiration for. Because it was so hard for me to write, I secretly really hate "Show Me How." Reading it now, it's really not all that bad, and I even genuinely like a few parts, but it never felt like a fully formed idea. I sort of resented the pressure and now I'll straight up say to readers "Nope, sorry. This is a one-shot. I'm not writing another part for you ( ... )


kcarolj65 December 11 2007, 03:17:18 UTC
Difficult and interesting request, evoking nostalgia, a frisson of regret, and maybe a little pride and satisfaction.

Favorite fic? Hmm. Probably A Sort of Homecoming, a FITB following "Lies My Parents Told Me." Also my first (and only successful) ficathon entry. Probably also my fave title, because I'm a big U2 fan, and the live version of that song is one of my all-time favorites. I'm also rather fond of Insider Information, in which Buffy attempts to set fanfic writers straight about Spike's sexual prowess.

Least favorite story - "Surprise." A sappy bit of fluff that's so saccharine, it deserves a Surgeon General's warning.

Favorite line(s): This part of Pain, which is barely more than 1000 words but required about 3 weeks of effort before I was satisfied with it: In his blurred kaleidoscope vision she is a backlit smudge of color against the night, her hair a golden halo tilted askew. He can feel her stare upon him, weighted with horror and dismay and contempt. For herself or for him? He hopes it's for him, because it ( ... )


clawofcat December 19 2007, 02:59:32 UTC
Hi, Kristen! Gosh, it's been awhile since I've heard from you. How is everything? Apologies for the delayed response. I've been working through finals and only just now got a chance to breath ( ... )


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