Jul 26, 2010 00:49

So they moved Alice into the Dark Vault. 'They' meant something more like 'Claudia was moral support, Pete and Myka did most of the actual moving, and Artie grumbled at everyone.' But it's all good, since Crazypants Victorian Lady is locked up where she can't do any harm.

And so it is that Pete and Myka went off one way bickering about something, and Claudia's headed back the way she came; she left her inventory clipboard down here somewhere. She finds it sitting on the trunk that was keeping the mirror in place, picks it up, and moves on.

...And doubles back, because now that she thinks about it, this looks kinda familiar in a bad way.

She can just see the tapestry that the autovac mostly killed itself nomming on, if she leans around a shelf. Just to double-check, she goes over there and tries to look; as far as she can tell, the mirror would have been completely out of sight, especially when she was more worried about a cranky tapestry than Annabelle.

Not for long, but that's the thing, isn't it? Alice didn't need long to...

Claudia doesn't think about it any more than that; she just bolts for Artie's office. Hopefully he won't kill her too dead.

milliways, extra-canon, crazypants alice

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