Curiouser and curiouser. I loved Sam and Dean trying to one-up each other when talking about past victories and Sal'ek's reaction to both of them. Classic.
Tee hee! I'm loving this so much, but just have to pause for a minor quibble - I'm pretty sure from everything else you are describing that the stargate is upright and vertical - not horizontal (you mention it being horizontal in the last chapter too). There, I feel better now. Off to read the rest!
Ha ha my brain keeps doing that to me - there is a disconnect between what I have in my head and what my fingers type sometimes that is not a mistype but a whole different word...I am now quite comforted that it happens to someone else!! LOL
Comments 6
Oh, and Dean now risking his life for fictional characters.
Great twist, with no one remembering the Winchesters as part of SG-15 anymore!
There, I feel better now. Off to read the rest!
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