Friends Only...

Sep 12, 2005 17:49

Thought about this I decided to make my journal Friends Only... If your already on my friends list your fine! If your not leave a comment! New Friends always welcomed! If you would like to be a friend just leave a comment. All I ask is we have a couple of things in common and you FRIEND ME FIRST!

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Comments 56

o_wanderlust October 1 2005, 17:26:11 UTC
I'm not really sure how I came across your journal, but we both love old movies and their stars as well as Family Guy. Add me if you want.


classygirl2007 October 2 2005, 21:24:11 UTC
You are added!


o_wanderlust October 2 2005, 21:45:30 UTC
Yay! *adds you back*


pickyourselfup October 1 2005, 20:09:05 UTC
hi there, i found your journal because I saw you were a friend of kathyselden. i LOVE vivien leigh, ginger rogers, rosalind russell, cary grant, humphrey bogart,james stewart, and fred astaire, so add me?? you seem really cool. thanks!


classygirl2007 October 2 2005, 21:21:10 UTC
Ah thanks! You are added!


fevverydoll October 4 2005, 10:35:01 UTC
i stumbled across your journal from _vintagesirens and you seem awesomely cool! you have gorgeous taste.

add me?


classygirl2007 October 4 2005, 23:58:39 UTC
ahh thanks! Consider yourself added!


miss_laurey October 8 2005, 13:50:23 UTC
Can I be added? We have lots of things in common and when I say lots, I mean lots like Frank Sinatra, James Stewart, Ginger Rogers, Classic Movies the whole works! Anyway can I be added? Pretty please:D


classygirl2007 October 9 2005, 00:52:20 UTC
Sure! Consider yourself added! The more the merrier!


ex_beautyof October 31 2005, 12:48:25 UTC
I'd love to be added as well?


classygirl2007 November 1 2005, 01:50:09 UTC
Of course I'll add you! I love your icon too!


ex_beautyof November 1 2005, 13:14:28 UTC
thank you...:)


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