Age: 19 (had a camp birthday)
Height: 5'3"
Eyes: Brown or hazel or something.
Medical Info: Superhealing, doesn't stay injured for long at all (exact time unclear, but IIRC she never has wounds that carry over episode to episode, so under a week). Sleeps less than normal people.
Physical traits: In very good shape! Unnaturally good shape, really. Very strong and healthy and endurance-ful.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything she mentions openly--the Slayer stuff, stuff about her family, friends. Nothing very specific about Angel unless you have a good reason to know stuff about Angel; she doesn't mind, she'll just be weirded out about it. Vague references to seasons that come after hers are fine--Andrew does those by existing. Please avoid her second death if you can and her mother's death at all costs.
Notes for the Psychics: She's usually thinking about what she's doing at the time, or worrying about home, or imagining Kon naked. Sometimes all three.
Abilities: Superstrength (not sure how much, exactly, but she does bend a shotgun in canon without much apparent effort), abnormal ability to heal (she lives through a gunshot to the chest, and is never down with injuries for more than an episode. Which is maybe just canon failing at continuity, but hey, I'm counting it as a superpower!), some evil senses (at least a refined sixth sense for Bad Things, not sure how much her vampire sense develops cuz I can't remember), endurance, there's a demon inside her souuuuuul. Can use any weapon with almost no study.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yeah, just let me know first for stuff that might have a bad effect (ie HAY I WANT TO BODYSWITCH TO ANGEL 8D) or involves me doing something.
Kissing/Hugging: Hugging's fine if she likes you, kissing will get you some retaliation from her and a lot more from Kon. I don't object, just be aware you might get cut.
Fighting: Buffy's always happy to fight. I warn you I'm not great at RPing them, but I'll always do them. But a little advance warning would be nice.
Maim/Murder/Death: No killing. I would like to never get into a situation where it can't be avoided. Also, nothing too debilitating for injury unless we talked about it first. Buffy getting hurt leads to emo, which I might not have the energy to play with, so please check.
Cooking: She's working on it? She can cook some stuff she's learned to, tries for other stuff, doesn't always do great. But decentish if she's had instruction.