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Sep 02, 2006 15:50

My characters on family!

I realized earlier that it was true of all of my characters both didn't have and didn't want a "complete" camp family. That is, some people adopt themselves into a basically functional camp system with parent(s), siblings, a significant other, and possibly children. Why my characters won't ever do this.

1. Buffy

Buffy has, in terms of camp family:
-Kon, who's her fiance and thus not so much camp family as someone who will, ideally, one day be actual legal family and rest of her life with him etc.
-Bart, whom she considers to be a little brother, although she wouldn't really call him that because it's not official in the same way as her other camp siblings are, though she'd happily make it official; she'd have to check with him first. Bart is also somewhat higher ranked than her other camp siblings.
-Kal, whom she doesn't really think of as a child, mainly because she wasn't dating Kon when he was born and because she's aware that if he becomes too much of a treat to Kon, she'll kill him. But Kal's family and she loves him.
-Naruto, who is simple and official camp brother! Buffy adopted him last year when the ten plagues hit to keep him from being a first-born son, and as such she feels it's her place to look out for him and help him out when he needs it. Unlike Kon and Bart, Buffy doesn't feel as strongly about finding Naruto outside of camp, though she'd like to see him.
-Soushi, again officially adopted in that they both consented. One of the few people who could screw Buffy up by coming back to camp without memories, cuz so much emo for her there ahaha. Yeah. Anyway, Soushi is and always will be Buffy's family, even if he doesn't remember.

That said, Buffy never wants anyone to be parental at her in camp. As far as Buffy's concerned, she has parents, and she doesn't want anyone replacing them, except sort of Giles. She doesn't mind people who remind her in some way of either her mom or Giles (like, say, Aziraphale), but she doesn't want them to ever fill the same kind of roles her mother and Giles do. Anyone trying to mother or father her will be met with annoyance and disdain.

2. Chase

Chase has, in terms of camp family:
-Gert, who's his girlfriend and he wouldn't call her family if you asked, but she basically is.
-Molly, who's his sister/daughter/ward. Basically if you touch Molly Chase will cut you. With his switchblade. >:

Chase doesn't want anyone else to be family. There are people he likes (Brainy, Ari, Hyde), but them being family would be totally gay. And Chase HATES parents. Parenting him will get an even worse response than parenting Buffy, because Chase already hates adults.

3. Anya

Anya has no family. Anya probably doesn't really understand familial bonds anymore. Anya wouldn't know what to do with siblings or parents or anything. Xander's not even family, Xander's mmm I want the penis. As she gets more human she might get the feelings down, but I don't see her naturally developing adoptive bonds with people because I don't see her ever relating to anyone in that way.

4. Hawkeye

Hawkeye, sort of like Anya, doesn't identify in that way with people. She wouldn't reject camp adoption (as Anya and Chase would), she just wouldn't initiate or understand it.

5. George Michael

Family is too important to George Michael for him to ever find a family here. He already has a very...close? Physically close? family at home, and they're all tied together in a way that basically means George Michael himself doesn't have the power to make someone a Bluth, and that's what being adopted would mean. Canonically George Michael considers getting pre-engaged to Ann, but even then there's still an obvious divide between Ann and family. If, for example, GOB came to camp and decided to adopt a camper for some reason, George Michael would consider them to be family because GOB has that kind of authority and can make decisions like that. Of course, George Michael's family is so fucked up that anyone treating him like a normal family does wouldn't ping his family non-Michael family senses anyway. So while he'd be fine with people treating him as one might treat a family member, actually calling it that would bother him intensely, and he himself will never think of it in those terms.
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