(no subject)

May 26, 2006 15:50


So here is a very long rambling thing about Buffy and relationships and why she's as close to Kon as she is and why I don't see that stopping.

So there are things and factors and reasons Buffy got as close to Kon as quickly as she did, and some of them are retcon and some of them are legitimate but they all make sense to me because Buffy's weird.

Anyway. When I was rewatching stuff I was all "oh yeah Buffy is all not about loving Riley eheheh that's awkward." But, um. Here's where I come out and say it: for reasons, some legitimate, some illegitimate, I think Kon works better for her. There are, like, factors. Or something.

Buffy, as far as I'm concerned, has this issue. She takes stuff for granted. A lot. Xander gives her a long lecture about it in that episode with the vampire hookers. Because he tells her she doesn't care about Riley enough and has just been treating him like the rebound guy when he's the rest of the life guy.

So a couple things come into play here. I really do think Buffy is a lot better at valuing stuff when she loses it. Like Riley, like when Angel was supposed to be leaving for six months (which ended up with them saying they loved each other and sex). And with Kon, it's always on the verge of one of them leaving forever, as far as Buffy's concerned. Any day either of them could end up at home somehow. And that makes Buffy, well. Clingier. And more...aware, I think. Buffy sort of...finds it easier to understand things in finite terms. I think. Yeah.

She also never treated Kon as rebound. Which might also not be at all legitimate, but there's a very simple reason: she said she wouldn't. When Kon asked her out the first time, she turned him down for a lot of reasons, but one of the ones she actually gave him was that she was getting over a serious relationship and didn't want him to just be rebound. Which wasn't entirely true, but when she asked him out herself, it still was, basically subconsciously, an agreement that he wasn't rebound. Because she said she wouldn't date him unless she meant it.

She's also more generally honest in camp than she is at home, and open about her past stuff. At first, this was because she had a DOESN'T COUNT mentality towards camp. Because camp was an alternate universe type deal, she was planning on going home soon, and never seeing any weird alternate universe people again, so what did it matter. She's still more open because of this, but she does treat some things as very important and won't tell everyone. She also told Kon personally more than she might've otherwise, even before they were dating, because of the Wendy the Werewolf Stalker thing. She assumes Kon knows a lot of her emo backstory, which he does. But she still likes to tell him stuff, because it means more when she says it--or at least, she likes when Kon tells her stuff she already knows, like Superman's secret identity, so she figures he likes it to. Anyway. Kon also understands her emo backstory more than, say, Riley. Kon's been through similar issues with girlfriend dying, worrying about his own future, and they actually do have a lot in common. So. She is more willing to talk about her angst with him because he usually gets it pretty well. And gives her hugs.

They did get to love very quickly, which was failure on my part in several ways, mainly that I actually as a person have NO sense of time. So I, uh. Didn't actually know how long they'd been dating even a little. Which is part of why I'm careful with month anniversaries (also because Buffy and Kon are dorks, but), because that way I can reference when the last one was and not be completely braindamaged. But! Even if I'm not entirely happy with how they got to this point, I think this is a fine IC point, and, well, if you don't, you can tell me why.

Which actually brings me to an entirely seperate point about Buffy and being happy and boyfriends.

She usually isn't. But I don't see her stopping being with Kon.

In canon, Joss and others have been said to find happy couples not compelling television or something. Yeah, okay, whatever, season six had a ton of issues and Buffy being in any way happy would've really helped. But, uh. Yeah.

They have to come up with some pretty crappy reasons to make Buffy's relationship end. Like vampire hookers. Buffy herself doesn't really end relationships, except Riley, and she even tries to fix that except it's too late. So. Even guys she only dates a little end up breaking up with her. Because Buffy's clingy and likes being in relationships. So unless Kon breaks up with her, the only way I could really see this particular relationship ending would be if Kon seriously cheated on her (making out with Robin to cure him doesn't count). And even if Kon did break up with her, she'd probably argue it, unless he really wasn't in love with her anymore. In which case she'd emo like you wouldn't believe.

The only other plausible way Buffy might break up with Kon would be if Angel came to camp and wanted her back. Camp is actually a pretty good place for Buffy and Angel, since they can't have sex anyway and the aging thing isn't as big a factor. But, ah. I can't actually see her just disregarding Kon in favor of Angel, because she really does care about Kon and not hurting him and she really does care about getting out of camp and sees Kon as a better long-term prospect. And she doesn't go with Angel immediately in canon and...yeah, I'd really not like an Angel in camp partly because I have absolutely no clue how I would ever even begin to deal with it because Buffy is so unbelievably weird around Angel all the time.


I don't see her as plausibly breaking up with Kon for either of her other big canon relationships (Riley and Spike), just because, well, for Riley why would she? If Riley hit on her here, she'd say "Sorry, taken," same as she would to anyone else. If he said "But we're dating where I'm from," she'd probably feel bad but say they weren't where she was from and, well. Kon. And Spike's so fucked up in the canon and so dependent on a whole lot of very weird circumstances that wouldn't ever come up here. If someone apped Spike from a point in canon where he was big on Buffy, he might try to break them up. If Buffy found out he was doing this in Kon's direction (as he does in Riley's), she'd basically beat the shit out of him. And I don't see it as being as much of a problem because Buffy does say she loves Kon, which might take away from Spike's degradations. Also Kon doesn't have the dumb "Buffy's stronger than I am and doesn't need me and stuff D: D:" emo to the extent Riley does, I don't think. I might be wrong about this, because Kon is madly insecure, but. Buffy does her best to remind him that she completely adores him.

So. It kind of makes me feel weird to say that I honestly don't think, at least from Buffy's perspective, one of her two biggest canon ships (or, well, biggest things people ship with her, cuz she dates Riley longer, but I don't think anyone fics them. Yeah) would break up her camp ship. And, uh. If you like Spuffy you could argue this but unless we get Spike it's not an issue. But at least from my perspective, I don't see Buffy breaking up with Kon unless he does something incredibly shitty to her that makes no sense, and I don't see Kon doing that.

And in general? I'd rather not break them up because it would cause a lot of emo. And would kind of suck to play with. So if it happens ICly, it happens ICly, but I will not be trying to invent reasons to break them up, and thus far I've never had to feel like I'm going OOC by keeping them together. Right.

I feel better.
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