Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Stealing ideas from Kon is, obviously, the win. So, here's my camp Buffy FST. With some canon Buffy. And some song choices for which I should be shot.
Full of Grace, Sarah McLachlan2.
Wild Horses, The Sundays3.
Close Your Eyes, Christopher Beck These are Angel/Buffy songs. But they're also good songs. And everyone should have them.
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want, The Smiths Good times for a change
See, the luck I've had can make a good man turn bad
This is my Buffy song. Because it's whiny and self-centered and all "wah my life sucks." But I still like it.
And that's basically Buffy right there.
You'll Know A Good Thing When It's Gone, Tears in X-Ray Eyes Buffy's kind of dumb. And she fails a lot at thinking things through. And she really really fails at knowing good things before they're gone and gets hung up on stupid stuff. And then Angel or Riley or whoever breaks up with her or turns evil or something happens to make her think they're going and she goes "...D:"
Which doesn't relate that much to the song except in the title, I don't think, but I love this song, so.
Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying, Belle and Sebastian "This is no declaration, I just thought I'd let you know goodbye"
Said the hero in the story
"It is mightier than swords
I could kill you sure
But I could only make you cry with these words"
I tried to pick from a lot of lines in this song, because there are a lot of lines I like as Buffy lines, even if I'm not sure about the overall effect. But it's the best "Hey I'm gonna die 8D" song I could find, and I like it. Are we sensing a theme?
Sunshine, Sparklehorse There will come a time gigantic
Waves will crush the junk that I have saved
When the moon explodes or floats away
I’ll lose the souvenirs I saved
A sort of companion to "Get Me Away..." in the sort of "Hey I'm gonna die 8D" vein, except...trippier. I like to think in her more realistic moments, Buffy gets that there are going to be things she can't kill. And I like thinking she's at the point when she's zen about it, sometimes. And that's this song.
Superman (It's Not Easy), Five For Fighting what.
Everclear, So Much For the Afterglow ...I mean. Come on.
Laura Doyle, Let You GoAnd this is where I want retaliation
and if I could I’d steal your soul
and this is where I stop...
and I give in to love
And this is where I say I will always love you
and this is where I pray God be with you
and this is where I hold on to love
and let you go... and let you go
Okay, it's really just not because the steal your soul bit makes me laugh my ass off because I'm a bad person. ANYWAY. There's also other stuff about Buffy being clingy and dumb and getting over stuff, except for the part where she doesn't.
But mainly I'm a bad person.
Romeo and Juliet, Dire Straits A lovestruck Romeo sang a streetsuss seranade,
laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made,
finds a convenient streetlight, steps out of the shade,
says something like, "You and me babe how about it?"
Juliet says, "Hey it's Romeo, you nearly gimme me a heart attack."
He's underneath the window, she's singing, "Hey la my boyfriend's back.
You shouldn't come around here, singing up at people like that.
Anyway what you gonna do about it?"
Okay, so. It's All About Buffy. In Buffy's world. So this Buffy/Kon song is Buffy's perspective of what Kon would sing about her back before they started dating. It's not great because there's the whole "they used to be dating" thing in there, but the opening was basically how Buffy saw Kon for a while; "Oh, it's that guy who keeps hitting on me. Yeah, whatever." And there are the genuine interludes because Buffy liked Kon, and thought he really meant it, he just, like, sucked at words and life. Anyway.
The Book of Love, Peter Gabriel This gets included because it's one of two songs Buffy sang in camp when Kon was in his test tube. I don't know where she heard it. I figure her computer downloaded it when it wasn't mad, and she thought it was a good lullaby. I can't really justify it, but it's awesome, and yeah.
Holding Out For a Hero, Frou Frou ...obviously.
Plastic Stars, Freezepop Lady pimped this to me for a Kon/Buffy song, and I like it. Because it's simple and nice and funky, which is what I enjoy in my music.
My Heart, K's Choice Solid wood will rot
If you don't keep it from the rain
We were surprised when we found out
That love feels just like pain
I always heard I could get hurt
I knew that from the start
Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck
But please don't break my heart
Again, not entirely appropriate in a lot of ways, because there's losing love and blah, but. I like a lot of sections because Buffy's pretty aware that she and Kon are fragile. Because they're both semi-rebounding from relationships with people who were really important to them and Buffy occasionally thinks he's going to break her or she's going to break him.
Shut Up and Kiss Me, Pony Up ...haha so (DC) canon. Also, sometimes most of the time Kon and Buffy are just shallow and stupid and superficial. And it's happy and they're both completely retarded. What.
Even If, The Corrs For what it's worth I think there's
nobody like you
You've got grace got a heart beating and despite
your fun
As I grew up I was terrified of darkness
Now you're around I've no reason
to be frightened