Title: Let's Keep It Together (3/?) Routines Ruined
Author: ClassicFREAK
Rating: PG-13 (I swear, it's a problem)
Word Count: 2, 048 words
Disclaimer: With all my efforts on Twitter, I have yet to own Community. Dan's doing an awesome job with it anyway.
Summary: A lot of things have changed since Annie left for UofC, and it's about to get shoved in you
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Comments 3
Will be seeing Jeff's POV more in the next chapter????
I love that you are adoring all these chapters, because this is a literal brain child of mine. I had the slightest idea of an intersting fic and suddenly I had over 6 thousand words and people saying it was interesting and I didn't feel too selfconcious but, yeah.
Just make sure that Jeff doesn't do his white knight thing too well, what with Annie being a victim you know? ;)
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