Мурнау и вокруг

Dec 01, 2014 14:06

Москва, 26е октября 1910го года, письмо Кандинского к Мюнтер (набил вот из этой книжки).

Dear little beasty, darling foxy-woxy, thank you so much for your No. 8... - Yesterday we (Tomik and I) went to see Goncharova. She was rather cool at first (that's the girl who wrote the rude letter). In the nicest possible way I gave her a piece of my mind (she is very young), which made an impression, as she was happy to show a lot of pictures, which I took the liberty of criticizing (very gently). Very talented things, with a lot of feeling, in a word very interesting, though a bit too theoretical at one hand and not fully worked out on the other... When we left she shook my hand warmly in student fashion. <...>

Just received your scolding letter of the 23rd. I am very sorry that you are in a bad mood, which you take out on me. Altogether I sent you 9 letters and cards from Moscow, at least 2 (or 3) of them addressed to Munich, in which there is also more about Javorsky. I write to you a lot & at length, not "scrappy" notes. You write to me a lot less & in fact more "scrappily". Voila Ma'me!

Javorsky is a pupil of Tanejev & a splendid fellow. He has shaken up the whole theory of music & established new principles (drown from the oldest). He has pupils, doting admirers & many enemies, as is always the case in such things.

Your Was!

Первая картина - Кандинского, вторая - Мюнтер. Два интересных поста про Верёвкину с фотографиями ( раз и два), там много и про период Мурнау и "русский" дом.

Верёвкина, Кандинский, Мюнтер, Гончарова

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