Meta: Dispelling the Myths - Part One (Jack/Ianto)

May 22, 2009 13:23

Dispelling the Myths

Okay then, as most of you well know I am a Torchwood fan. Any of you who really know me will know that I'm a multishipper no matter the fandom (except Star Wars - Jaina/Kyp all the way in that).You'll also know that I love to analyse things, and have an interest in fandom. Anyway, I've decided to get together a list of things said about the two major Torchwood ships, Jack/Ianto (Janto) and Gwen/Jack (Gwack) and... well... frankly show my opinion of those things. Very frankly at that.

Anyway, here I go. Thank you to everyone on MSN, Twitter, and the Torchwood Forum UK (TWF) who contributed to the list. And just for the record, I am both a Jack/Ianto and Jack/Gwen shipper. I am also a rather large Ianto/Gwen shipper, but let's not get into that....

Part One (Jack/Ianto) / Part Two (Gwen/Jack) / Part Three (Both)


1) It's all just sex

This is the most common argument, so I'll start with this. Now, I'm sure you're expecting me to say "this is what the Gwen/Jack fans say" but actually, you'll find a heck of a lot of Jack/Ianto's fans who also believe this to be the case. I guess they never had the opportunity to watch Season Two.

Now, I can't exactly argue that Season One wasn't "all just sex" for these two because it most likely was. While I believe there was an underlying current of feelings developing between Jack and Ianto in this season, it wasn't until Season Two that both of them were ready for a real relationship. Our first clue that things had changed was Jack's "I came back for you" line, although you can see Ianto's distrust here - Jack did abandon him after all. Then we have Jack nervously asking Ianto out as soon as they are properly alone, and Ianto saying yes. It's not just about sex anymore, that's for sure.

I could quite happily list every single bloody moment that there is evidence of something more, including the novels (the date in "Pack Animals" anyone?), and also instances of jealousy from them both ("Stolen Earth" for Ianto, and "Lost Souls" for Jack). Thing is I don't need to go into it, and I'm sure most people aren't interested (if you are, comment and I will do a separate meta).

I've also seen John Barrowman's "lust" comment used heavily to support the "just sex" argument (mind you, JB was saying Jack's love for Ianto is lustful), but unfortunately for people who love that quote, JB has since gone on to say that Ianto brings out the human side in him. You'll also find that Gareth David-Lloyd agrees, and even the director for Season Three, Euros Lyn, has called the relationship a "love story".

So yes, Jack/Ianto was just sex in Season One, but beyond that it has become something more.

2) Ianto's in love with Jack, but Jack's not in love with Ianto

Okay, will someone please kindly point me to where in the show this is stated? Please? Because I can't find it. I have looked hard too, but all I seem to find is them both being in love with each other, and Jack being more accepting of this fact than Ianto.

Evidence? Sure. Firstly, there are the touches and the looks. nikki4noo has done a lovely picspam to illustrate this ( We also have Jack saying the dreaded "L" word twice to Ianto, and Ianto flinching both times (more on this later). Ianto is the one who appears to be holding something back, and rumour has it exactly what will be revealed in Season Three (please do not speculate in the comments).

Again, I should point out that this isn't just the opinion of the fans against the relationship, but also ones of the relationship. As I said, there is nothing in the canon to suggest this, and even the Captain's Blog gives us little moment's to show that Jack care deeply for Ianto.

Look at the one for "Fragments" - Jack writes of John "if he'd killed anyone - if he had hurt Ianto - I would have slowly ripped him limb from limb" (Torchwood Archives, pg 146). Jack separates Ianto out from the others, and it can easily be read that hurting Ianto is the same as the others being killed, and just as serious. And yes, the Captain's Blog’s are canon and written by a Torchwood writer and not a 16-year-old fangirl, even if he likes to think of himself as that at times (hi James!).

So no, you can't say that Jack doesn't love Ianto because it is clear that he does, and both seem to love each other equally.

Note: since writing this meta we have been given Joseph Lidster's audiobook "In The Shadows" read by Eve Myles, which serves as a brilliant companion piece to "Adam". It also touches on just how Jack feels about Ianto, but it is up to the individual as to whether or not they consider the tie-in media to be canon (I do).

3) It is extremely easy for them both to say "I love you"

Question to all you ladies and gay men: how easy is it for your man to say those three words? Okay, some of you will say "oh, it's easy for him" and well done to you for finding a man so expressive with his feelings! Most men have trouble with it. It just seems to be a guy thing.

Jack and Ianto are no different. As I said above, I would go deeper into the "L" word thing, and here we go. Jack has said the word twice that we have seen; once in "To The Last Man" during his conversation with Ianto about going back to his time, and upon hearing the word Ianto drops his eyes and can't look at Jack. One theory about why Ianto kisses Jack is to stop him from saying something Ianto is not yet ready to hear or say yet himself. The second time is in "Almost Perfect" and Jack struggles to say it, so Ianto tells him not to use it. When has Ianto used it toward Jack? Never.

No, this doesn't mean they don't love each other, not at all. Their thoughts and feelings toward each other are shown via gestures and looks, which is true to both their characters, but both men have trouble verbalising it as demonstrated. So yes, they do love each other, but they are yet to say it.

4) Ianto is completely and utterly in love with Jack and open about it, while Jack holds back

Okay, I've pretty much already addressed this one with #2, but I'll just clarify a couple of things. I have seen it in a few fan fics where Ianto is open with his feelings toward Jack, but we see Jack, who does love Ianto, making a point of keeping everything locked up. Folks, you've got the characterisation backwards.

Now, Jack does keep a hell of a lot of things tightly bundled up and secret, and often what we are seeing on screen is Jack projecting an image to those around him. However, when with Ianto you will see him open himself up more, such as in "They Keep Killing Suzie" and "From Out of the Rain". Jack has also instigated a kiss with Ianto in front of people, and referred to Ianto as his boyfriend in the novels. We also have Jack in "Pack Animals" dropping hints to Ianto about Jack learning Welsh and meeting Ianto's family, but Ianto disagrees with this - he's not ready to go there yet.

Ianto, like Jack, also keeps a heck of a lot of things private and to himself, and even with Jack you can still see him holding himself in check. When Ianto does let it slide and initiates the kiss with Jack in "To The Last Man" they are alone, and you can also see him becoming extremely defensive when quizzed on the relationship (usually by Owen), putting up barriers because he wants his private life to stay private.

Jack and Ianto are both private men, but when it comes to their relationship Jack is ever so slightly more open about it around others than Ianto.

5) Ianto's in love with Lisa and won't love anyone else

Yeah... odd one this one. Ianto did love Lisa and always will, just as Owen loved Katie and always will. Basically, Ianto and Lisa never broke up - she was killed during the battle of Canary Wharf, and in effect Ianto had to watch her die and tried desperately to cling onto her memory by keeping the shell of her alive until "Cyberwoman". The whole thing would have traumatised the poor man, and he'll never stop loving her because he never had the chance to for a break up to happen. They never fell out of love; she was taken from him.

Does this mean he can't love anyone else? Not at all. In fact, we find Ianto slowly falling for Jack all Season One and throughout Season Two, although much of the conflict in his feelings in the first season stemmed from the loss of Lisa. By Season Two Ianto has had a chance to grieve, and is prepared to move on.

It's a common thing that happens to people who lose partners - they will grieve for a while and never stop loving them, but may find someone else whom they love differently but no less. This is the way real life works. We all like to believe there is only "one true love", but sometimes this isn't always the case. When asked about it, even GDL himself will tell you that yes, Ianto is indeed in love with Jack. Ianto is still in love with Lisa, but he now also loves Jack.

6) The "stopwatch" came out of nowhere

This one makes me shake my head and wonder how people missed the signs. Then again, I've been in fandom for over 10 years now, and have been into slash for the last six. I've learnt to pick up all the little signs, which is why I started slashing Jack and Ianto together the first time they appeared on screen together.

First clue something was going on? "And he looks good in a suit/Careful, that's harassment, sir". This, my friends, is called blatant flirtation in front of your team mates and the visitor. When I saw that scene, saw how they acted and looked toward each other, I thought to myself 'there's something going on there'.

As the series continued I could see more and more little moments, and even "Cyberwoman" had its undertone (made clearer now by "Fragments"). There was also the touch on the shoulder in "Small Worlds" (a moment GDL says is the real start to their relationship), the look and silent conversation exchanged in "Countrycide", and a stack of other little scenes in "They Keep Killing Suzie" prior to the stopwatch scene.

Honestly, I think GDL summed this one up beautifully. When a fangirl asked him if she was stupid because she believed that scene came out of nowhere, he replied "darling you aren't stupid, just innocent".

7&8) Jack never comforts Ianto when he is hurting because he doesn't care/Jack wasn't concerned about Ianto being injured in Fragments

Okay, I've combined these two because it was pointed out to me that these are similar. Basically, the overall theme here is that Jack isn't concerned about Ianto's wellbeing. My question - what the hell are people watching, because obviously they missed something.

Jack not concerned about Ianto being injured in "Fragments"? Look at Jack's face when he pulls Ianto up, you can see the concern. And when he puts Ianto's shoulder back in Jack is almost in pain himself, almost scared about Ianto's wellbeing. He keeps asking Ianto if he is okay, despite Ianto telling him he is. Also, who did Jack go look for after he comes back to life? Ianto.

The line about not comforting Ianto comes from someone who is talking about "From Out of the Rain" when it is clear at the end that Ianto is upset, but Jack makes no move to follow him. Jack knows Ianto well enough to know that Ianto needed his personal space right then, Ianto being a private introverted man. Jack's concern is instead found in his journal (aka Captain's Blogs).

I've also seen people comment about "Meat' when Ianto is held hostage and Jack not caring. Jack did not surrender himself until a gun was pointed at Ianto's head, and then distracted the bad guys while Ianto freed himself. Yes Jack then yelled at Ianto to "go after them" after Ianto had nearly been shot (and would have if all the bullets hadn't all already been fired), but only because Jack is panicking about the Space Whale and Tosh, Rhys and Gwen's lives are directly under threat (Jack also yells at Owen).

Jack does care about Ianto, in fact he cares about everyone on his team, and there is evidence in the show to support this. There is also evidence in the books too to say how Jack cares for Ianto, especially the Captain's Blog. It's there.

9) The kiss of life

Talk about a hotly debated topic. Okay, I will keep this one short and sweet. Ianto was dead, and Jack brought him back to life using his excess life force. Why didn't Ianto glow like Carys did when Jack gave her some of his life force? Because Ianto isn't a sex alien, who reacted differently.

Jack wasn't ready to lose Ianto, you could see that by the shock and fear in his eyes when he realised Ianto was dead, and the fact he instantly attempted successfully to bring him back. That's all there is too it.

Note: I did ask Chris Chibnall about it recently and he said that when he wrote the episode he viewed Ianto as being unconcious, but is happy with alternative interpretations. Mind you, Ianto's gasp did sound very much like Jack's when Jack comes back to life, so maybe in GDL's mind...

10) Jack can't cook

I think being alive for 170+ years (before "Exit Wounds") and spending this time being pretty much self reliant Jack would know the difference between sugar and salt. Seriously, Jack can't cook? Where does it say that? He's served in several wars for god’s sake. He's a con man. I think he can cook for himself. This is a completely fanon belief folks. Jack is not reliant on Ianto for everything food wise. He likes it when Ianto looks after him, but Jack can do it himself.

11) Ianto is completely reliant on Jack

This one is almost the reverse of the one above, with a similar answer - Ianto is a grown man and lived on his own in London. Like Jack, he can look after himself. Heck, Ianto looks after the whole bloody team! Ianto is probably the most self reliant character on the show.

We saw in both "Cyberwoman" and "Adrift" that Ianto is more than capable of making his own decisions, even against Jack's wishes. Another example of this is "End of Days" when Ianto turns against Jack with the rest of the team. We also see Ianto looking after Jack; always knowing what Jack needs before Jack even seems to know what he needs.

Is Ianto reliant on Jack? Not at all.

12) Ianto is completely submissive

*headdesk* Okay, where the heck has this one come from? Own up! Who started this? Seriously. Ianto is completely submissive to Jack? That's almost as bad as saying Ianto can't think for himself/is completely reliant on Jack, which I disproved above.

If you have ever actually watched the show, you might have noticed that Jack never seems to do anything without Ianto's consent. Yes Jack can be more forward, but Jack will often hesitate until Ianto gives some indication that he is okay with it. The most blatant examples are "To the Last Man" and "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", with Ianto leading the kiss in the former and Jack seeking Ianto's approval in the latter.

Also, "Adrift" clearly showed that Jack was the submissive during sex, and it has been interpreted that the reason Jack was calling out to Ianto the way he was when Ianto was on the phone to Gwen was because Ianto had him tied up up there. It certainly sounded like it.

Is Ianto completely submissive? Nope. He's not completely dominate either though.

13) Jack didn't want to hire Ianto

When I first saw this one, I had to wonder if the person who wrote this actually watched "Fragments". Sadly I have to report that yes, they did. Evidently they missed something however, or they would have noted a couple of things.

Firstly, Jack was reluctant to hire Ianto because of his association with Torchwood One. Jack had broken all ties to the parent organisation, and didn't want anyone from London to be part of his team. Secondly, there were no positions available (whereas there was with Gwen), and thirdly, Ianto was stalking him.

Jack did indeed threaten to run Ianto down, but wouldn't you if someone was stalking you like that? I was seriously surprised that Gil Grissom of CSI never ran down Sara Sidle - instead he got into a relationship with her (sound familiar?), and she was a far creepier type of stalker as she wanted into Grissom's pants whereas Ianto just wanted a job.

Did Jack want to hire Ianto? Not originally, but he did in the end once he had seen Ianto in action. He realised that Ianto was knowledged in alien tech, not afraid to get his hands dirty, and pretty handy in a tough situation. Does Jack regret hiring Ianto? Certainly doesn't seem that way.

And, of course, 13) leads me to...

14) Jack only hired Ianto because he wanted to shag him

Yep, almost the opposite of the one above, but still similar. There are people who believe that the only reason Jack hired Ianto was with the intention of getting him into his pants. Yes Jack was attracted to Ianto, but if this were true he would have hired him on the spot outside of the Tourism Information Office when Ianto asked for a job, or when he tried Ianto's coffee.

The main argument for this one is Jack's "I like the suit" comment, but this comes across more as retaliation for Ianto's persistent "I love the coat" comments. Yes Jack was sizing him up, but remember how persistent Jack was in not hiring Ianto up until the point he saw how well they worked together, and how good Ianto was in the field. It was more about Ianto's ability as a Torchwood agent than anything else. Mind you, Ianto's looks probably did help.

15) Ianto is feminine

Unless you're talking about "Almost Perfect", I don't see how this can apply. Heck, even in that Ianto was still very masculine with his pant suits and general way of acting.

Ianto likes James Bond, rock music, the occasional drink, and probably has a favourite footy team. He holds himself strongly, and is a proper gentleman. He is reserved, keeping primarily to himself and rarely shares his feelings. He has a dry wit, and while he does know everything he doesn't appear to be a full on gossiper.

You never see him randomly burst into tears - it usually takes an extremely stressful, traumatising or emotional moment to break him. Look at the evidence - when has Ianto cried? 1) Lisa's attack and death, 2) Jack's supposed death, 3) Adam's attack and fake memories, 4) when only the boy survived in "From Out of the Rain". Ianto is human after all.

You don't see him squealing, giggling, and he does not walk with any form of feminine gait. He doesn't blush easily, become bashful when hit on, and we have nothing to say he is overly romantic. Nor does he hold himself in a feminine way. Ianto is 100% pure Welsh man, and a hot one at that. Nothing feminine about him, so I don't know where the heck this is coming from.

16) Ianto wants to kill Jack

Okay, I think I know what triggered this one - Ianto's threat in "Cyberwoman" was pretty full on, wasn't it. Problem is, Ianto seems to have moved on from there. We see him slowly falling in love with Jack (even if he won't admit it), and coming to accept Lisa's death.

In fact, as has been said in many interviews and write ups, Ianto became "Jack's loyal solider". It's kind of impossible to be loyal if you're trying to kill someone. Heck, look at Turlough and the Fifth Doctor - Turlough wanted to kill the Doctor, but in the end changed and became a loyal friend. Ianto has done this as well, only unlike Turlough we never saw Ianto actively trying to kill Jack outside of pointing a gun at him and threatening him.

"Adam", in fact, saw Ianto calling himself a monster just as he did Jack in "Cyberwoman", which is a moment of the characters coming full circle. Thankfully Ianto does not remember the events of "Adam", but it did show that he no longer views Jack as the monster in his life.

So basically, in summary, while Ianto did threaten to kill Jack he never made any move to follow it through, most likely never will, and given recent events probably doesn't even want too anymore.

17) Ianto's family are homophobic

This is a fanon thing, and there is no denying that. The biggest slice of evidence for this is the fact we haven't met Ianto's family. We've had them mentioned, but there is nothing at all to suggest they're homophobic. According to the articles coming out about Season Three we may get a chance to "meet the family", so I guess we will see.

18) Ianto has issues with Jack's immortality

Okay, this is an interesting one. I'm not going to comment much on this, but at this point in time we have nothing to suggest this. We know that Ianto has something holding him back, but we don't know what yet. I can tell you this though: Gareth David-Lloyd's interview on pages 18-25 of Torchwood Magazine #14 are an interesting read for this topic, but I won't go into detail as there are some spoilers for Season Three.

19) Jack keeps Ianto around out of distrust

This is another thing that I'd like to see someone explain to me. Firstly, when Jack hired Ianto he was not aware of Ianto's "skeletons in the closet" outside of what happened at Canary Wharf, so there was no reason to distrust him. After the events of "Cyberwoman" Jack partially blamed himself for not knowing his team and makes a point of spending time with Ianto during his four week suspension (see Captains Blog).

Also, if Jack really did distrust Ianto, why would he be giving Ianto the passwords to all the high security areas that no one else seems to have access too (note that Ianto has the code for the Archives/Vaults/Safe, but no one else does), or tell him about high security clearance things like Flat Holm that even Tosh and Owen don't know about. Also note that Ianto knew how to activate Emergency Protocol One and the codes, but no one else did.

Jack does trust Ianto, and it would seem he trusts him with things he trusts no one else with.

20) Jack will pine over Ianto's death for millions of years

*sighs* Can't you tell this one comes from the hardcore Jack/Ianto fans. It's the ultimate romantic notion, that the lovers will love each other forever until the end of time, even when death has separated them. Yeah... that's the key word in there, folks. Time.

Jack is immortal, and will live for possibly millions or even billions of years. For him, lovers will come and go. Ianto is just a brief spark in his time line, and while Jack loves him there will come a time when they will be separated. Jack will always remember and still love him, just as he will remember Estelle, his wife, and all his other lovers, but Jack will move on. Jack isn't the Tenth Doctor after all.

21) Jack and Ianto burst into tears easily

Question for the people who believe this - what the hell have you been watching? You're evidently watching a different show to the rest of us. I covered this above with Ianto - he is a man, an emotionally reserved man who does not express his emotions easily and has cried only four times and for good reason. Jack is exactly the same. They don't burst into tears at random intervals. If they did, it would be on the show and at least once an episode. It's just not in their character.

22) They hate Gwen

Um... no. In case you missed the chance to actually watch the show, Jack is in fact also attracted to Gwen. You might have also noticed that Ianto gets along very well with Gwen and the two of them have been known to gang up on Jack just to annoy him. Heck, Gwen and Ianto have even flirted shamelessly in "Lost Souls" (*resist urge to launch into why Ianto/Gwen aka Darling! is so good*)

Jack and Ianto do in fact like Gwen, and there is plenty in the show and extended canon to support this. There is nothing at all that tells us that they hate her.

Part One (Jack/Ianto) / Part Two (Gwen/Jack) / Part Three (Both)

meta, torchwood

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