last night i made a wonderful tilapia. watch out melissa martinez, andrew lenz could be the next iron chef!!! i also went to ihop for about an hour and a half. we played apples to apples and it was pretty fun. I haven't been doing much lately, mostly because i'm grounded, but once i stick it to ole morty, i can start having fun!!!
last night was alot of fun but i think jan was right when he said: "that's no way to bring in the new year" about my phone being stollen thanks for coming and thanks for being so fun i hope you all have a happy new year!! i will
last night "wtf?" reconect with old friends "what up?" eat alot of food "let's get some tunes" this doesn't make since because i'm too lazy to right a full post i wanted to go to niki's, but i don't know where she lives... :(