Submit: Accent Colours

Dec 18, 2005 10:52

The theme for week seventy-four is Accent Colours, see my current userpic for an example. This is the act of adding one tint of colour to a certain area(s) of an otherwise black & white/greyscale image.

You may submit one CLAMP icon as long as it makes use of this type of colouring technique. That means that your icon must be black & white/greyscale (please don't make it sepia toned) with one additional accent colour applied to a specific area(s). You are only allowed the use of one additional colour, though naturally created shades of that colour are accptiable as they help to create shadow and prevent the colour from looking flat.

There are different ways you can approach this: you can simply desaturate your icon's base and manually colour a section by hand, or you can add a black/white colour blend over top and then manually select and remove a section thus revealling the colour beneath. Please, do not simply apply the colour as a blended layer over the entire icon, that would make it monochrome and it will not fit this theme; you must be able to distinguish which area(s) of the icon is intended to be coloured.

Though this challenge is quite technical in nature, there is alot of freedom to exploring your image/character/series selection combined with the relevant application of colour. Be creative and have fun.

Please submit your icon by uploading it to an outside host that allows direct linking, then leave a screened comment to this post with your icon's img src, url, series and character names. This information makes my job easier so please follow this example.

Character: Yuuko
Series: XXXholic

Submission Rules
- You must be a member to participate, one icon per member (excludes multiple accounts)
- The icon must be made by you, this includes not stealing icons or copying tutorials
- Your icon must feature a scene/character from a CLAMP series (anime/manga)
- It must meet LJ requirements (100x100 and 40kb maximum, gif/jpg/png format)
- It should be recently made to fit the theme and kept anonymous/secret throughout

Do Not's
- Do not use/distribute/advertise your submission publicly/reveal your identity
- Doujinshi/Fanart/Cosplay images are not allowed, you must use official art only
- Refrain from using any sexually explicit imagery or overly coarse language

- Please credit outside sources (i.e. brushes/textures/lights, bases, lyrics/quotes)
- You may provide translations/definitions (i.e. foreign languages, tiny text, large words)
- If you submit the icon/a variation to another current/anonymous icontest, inform both mods
- If you change/edit your submission let me know which icon to replace and which to upload

If something is amiss with your submission I will reply/inform you of it and give you a chance to either resubmit the icon or fix the comment depending. It is at my discretion to disqaulify you for failure to follow these guidelines.

As next Saturday is Christmas Eve I will be starting my work shift earlier than usual so as a result I will likely not have the time to make the voting post in the morning before heading off to work and thus am extending the deadline until later in the evening. Since I finish work earlier as well, at around 7:00, you will have until Saturday, December 24th at 8:00 pm EST in the evening to submit. Depending on how hectic my schedule is on that evening the voting post may be delayed though...

If you have any questions about this challenge or want a comment made public, be sure to make a separate comment without your icon, so I can unscreen it.

Best of luck to you all ^^


Have a theme to suggest?

Answer this question at the original post. I just need to know whether or not I can reveal your username in connection with an icon submission when asked. I won't give people permission to use your work, I'll just send them to your journal/ijournal to ask you personally for your permission and your rules for credit.


Affiliate Plug: vga_icontest - An icontest dedicated to both video games and anime/manga series.


Edit: I apologize for the further delay but I won't be able to make the voting post until sometime late Monday evening (12/26/05) when I get back from my Grandma's. I had intended to get it done Christmas Eve when I got home from work, but then I ended up getting caught up in family celebration and my time online has been limited since, what little opportunity I had I used on another committment. Hopefully you can understand.

To those who have already submitted, please continue to be patient and do not display your entries anywhere as that would be against the rules and they will be disqualified. To those who may actually still want to submit, you're welcome to do so but understand I'm not sure when I will be back and update so your deadline is a bit up in the air, though it definitly won't be until the evening. At this point all I can promise is: if you submit before I post, your entry will be included.

The schedule will have to be adjusted unfortunatly, had I realized this time would be so hectic I would have made the challenge last two weeks. It usually isn't this hectic. Hope everyone who celebrates is having days filled with good cheer and those who don't I hope you're still enjoying the joys of the winter season.
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