Winners: Hope

Nov 16, 2005 11:10

Thanks to all those who submitted these lovely icons and/or took the time to cast your vote. A wonderful job by everyone but a special congratulations to this week's winners:

Best Overall: First Place

/ ikkyu {Oruha from Clover}

Best Overall: Second Place

/ peacheart {Dark Chii from Chobits}

/ silverqe {Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura}

Best Overall: Third Place

/ starlique {Chii from Chobits}

Special Category: Best Colour

/ anty_ {Suu from Clover}


Best Overall: Runner-Ups (view the icons)

10, 14
03, 17
07, 19

Special Category: Runner-Ups (view the icons)

04, 06
02, 08, 13, 14, 18, 19

I'm the bannermaker this week and will have them done as soon as I'm able to. If you want a reminder on what banners are still in progress then check the banner rotation schedule. If you want to view the recently posted banners then check the memories section, be sure to leave a comment when you've picked yours up.

We're going to have to skip a challenge this week, I got caught up dealing with online/offline matters, some of which were rather unexpected but required immediate attention and others which I had been putting off a bit too long and really had to deal with or they'd go forgotton/ignored forever. I know that's a rather vague excuse but there you have it. We'll resume this weekend though back on schedule, in the meantime I need to tackle some other stuff for my icontests anyway and this will give me a chance, that is if nothing else comes up. My apologies for the delay, I orignally had every intention of running a theme this week but life had other plans.

Have a good afternoon, now I must be off to work...
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