Links & Sign-Ups: Week 300

Oct 11, 2010 15:55

This is clamp_icontest!

Today is Thanksgiving here in Canada and I can think of no better holiday for our 300th week to fall upon because I truly am grateful for the many years this community has run and especially to all you members for your continual support! I have seen so many beautiful CLAMP icons pass through this icontest, each one re-newing my love for their work, thank you to both the old members for sticking by us and to the new members for joining in on the fun. Here's to the next milestone :)

At this point all three parts of the Week 300 challenge has been posted... I've been working on this for ages and it's finally all done! Let's do a quick re-cap for convenience sake, since it's a lot of information to take in at once:

Part A: CLAMP Icontest Header due October 30th
Part B: CLAMP Icon Challenge due November 6th
Part C: C.L.A.M.P Icon Set due October 23rd 30th

More information regarding each challenge is available at their individually linked post, so be sure to read them each to fully understand their specific rules and rewards. You are welcome to participate in one, two or all three if you so wish. Part A & C are open to all members but Part B requires that you sign-up here, I want to keep it separated from the submission post for organizational purposes. My goal is to have as many different series claimed, here are your choices:

A list of images/galleries is available here for your convenience. Some series have more resurces available than others, but they're all free gain depending on how much a challenge you want. If you want to do one of CLAMP's even lesser known titles and have the scans available then feel free to claim them as well.

Angelic Layer - zephyra14

Cardcaptor Sakura - snm_queen
CLAMP School/Campus Detectives
CLAMP Paranormal Investigators:
Clover - aentee
Code Geass (CLAMP's art only)

Duklyon: CLAMP School Defenders


Legal Drug
Legend of Chun Hyang

Magic Knight Rayearth - whitelilies22
Man of Many Faces
Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland - wildmusings (hope it's ok for me to participate, I waited over a week to make a claim to ensure I didn't compete with other members for a series) ✔

Rex: A Dinousaur Story
RG Veda - rashiea

Shirahime-Syo: Snow Goddess Tales
Sohryuden: Legend of the Dragon Kings
Suki. Dakara Suki - hanakoanime

The One I Love
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle - sumeragi_sei
Tokyo Babylon - psycophant


X/1999 - lightrobber
xxxHolic - rashiea


If you want to participate in the CLAMP Icon Challenge, then please leave a comment here with your top five series choices, in order of preference and I will reply to let you know which one you got asap. Before you do so please be certain of two things:
1. You are able to complete all 30 icons by the deadline
2. You are willing to keep the subsequent icon post public and unlocked
You may then proceed with the copy & paste:

First Choice:
Second Choice:
Third Choice:
Fourth Choice:
Fifth Choice:

(wow I need to make up my mind >.<)


SIGN-UPS ARE NOW OPEN! EDIT: You may now claim a second series if you wish and/or sign-up for the first time, but please let me know if you are doing so for one or two series. Sign-ups close Oct. 30th

SIGN-UPS ARE NOT OPEN YET so don't panic that you cannot leave a comment XD This post will become reply-able at exactly 8:00 PM EST tonight to ensure that as many members as possible are aware of the challenge and hopefully around to make their claim so as to have dibs on their prefered choices. I figure it's only fair, though there are sill no gurantees since this is first come first served.

P.S. Week 299's results post is available here because it got kind of burried >.>

week 300, sign-ups

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