Submit: Week 396

May 18, 2013 09:43

Please note that this challenge will run for two weeks, as I will be at an Anime convention all next weekend and unable to do any moderating ^^'

The themes for Week 396 are as follows, you may submit two different CLAMP icons provided they each fit at least one of the challenges below. A list of series and galleries are available here for your convenience.

Technical: Square Enix Titles
Your icon must feature the title of one of Square Enix's many games/series, no additional text is allowed with the exception of tiny or decorative text brushes. I've included a list of some such titles to make things easier on you guys, but feel free to do a further search for others that I may have missed.

NOTE: Some series have multiple versions marked with Roman numerals, which I have cited in brackets, it is not possible to include these numbers. Likewise, some original games also have subtitles to distinguish them in the series, which I've also separated with brackets when long enough on their own (e.g. more than one word), you do not have to use the full title in these cases. Lastly some titles have more than one translation, in which case I've included both separated by (or's) so you may choose either one

Brave Fencer Musashi
Children of Mana
Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Concerto Gate
Code Age Commanders
Dawn of Mana
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest (or) Dragon Warrior (VIII)
Drakengard (I & II)
Final Fantasy (I-XIV, etc.)
(Final Fantasy IV:) The After Years
(Final Fantasy VII:) Advent Children
(Final Fantasy VII:) Before Crisis
(Final Fantasy VII:) Crisis Core
(Final Fantasy VII:) Dirge of Cerberus
(Final Fantasy VII:) Last Order
(Final Fantasy XII:) Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy Adventure
(Final Fantasy:) Crystal Chronicles
(Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:) Ring of Fates
(Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:) My Life as a King
(Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:) Echoes of Time
(Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:) My Life as a Darklord
(Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:) The Crystal Bearers
(Final Fantasy Fables:) Chocobo Tales
Final Fantasy Legend (III)
Final Fantasy Tactics
(Final Fantasy:) The 4 Heroes of Light
Friends of Mana
Front Mission (IV)
Grandia (III)

Heroes of Mana
Infinite Undiscovery
It's A Wonderful World (or) The World Ends With You
Kingdom Hearts (I & II)
(Kingdom Hearts:) Chain of Memories
(Kingdom Hearts:) 358/2 Days
(Kingdom Hearts:) Birth by Sleep
Legend of Mana
Musashi: Samurai Legend
Parasite Eve (I & II)
(Parasite Eve:) The 3rd Birthday
Radiata Stories
Romancing SaGa (I, II & III)
SaGa Frontier (I & II)
Secret of Mana
Seiken Densetsu (or) Legend of the Sacred Sword (2 & 3)
Sigma Harmonics
Star Ocean
(Star Ocean:) The Second Story
(Star Ocean:) Blue Sphere
(Star Ocean:) Till the End of Time
(Star Ocean:) The Last Hope
Sword of Mana
The Bouncer
The Last Remnant
Threads of Fate
Unlimited SaGa
Vagrant Story
Valkyrie Profile (Lenneth & Silmeria)
(Valkyie Profiel:) Covenaant of the Plume
World of Mana (Compilation Series)

Image: Tsubusa Reservoir Chronicle
(featuring Fai, Kurogane, Mokona, Syaoran & Sakura)
You must use this image and only the version given, don't try to find another one to substitute instead. You cannot include any additional outside imagery with the exception of textures, stock photography etc. added purely for decoration.

[Click to view the larger version]

Quote: Arthur Schopenhauer
You must use at least three consecutive words from the following quote. It is not necessary to maintain punctuation/letter casing and you may substitue alternate characters for words where appropriate (e.g. and with &) or vice versa (e.g. ' with the missing letter/s). You are not allowed to incorporate any external text with the exception of tinytext/brushes that are purely decorative and not legible. Don't forget to proofread your entry to avoid potential errors.

"The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party, when the masks are dropped."
  - Arthur Schopenhauer

Please submit your icon by uploading it to an outside host that allows direct linking, then leave a screened comment to this post with your icon, url, theme, character (object/location) and series. Also include any additional required information and/or specific resource credits that you may have used.

Theme(s): Technical
Character(s): Hinoto
Series: X/1999

[additional information or specific resource credits if applicable]

Community icon by tidetheory

Don't forget to read and follow the rules:

Submission Rules
- You must be a member to participate, two icons per person (excludes multiple accounts)
- The icon(s) must be made by you, this includes not stealing icons or copying tutorials
- Your icon(s) must feature imagery from a CLAMP series (anime/manga) or artwork*
*Only Code Geass illustrations drawn by CLAMP themselves are allowed, no anime/manga/etc.
- It must meet LJ requirements (100x100 and 40 kb or less, gif/jpg/png format)
- It should be recently made to fit the theme and kept anonymous/secret throughout
- You may repeat, mix and match or alternate the provided themes as you wish

Do Not's
- Do not use/distribute/advertise your submission publicly/reveal your identity
- Doujinshi/Fanart/Cosplay images are not allowed, you must use official art only
- Refrain from using any sexually explicit imagery (exposed private parts) or overly coarse language*
*Graphic violence, artistic/suggestive nudity (with hidden private parts) and mild profanity is ok

- Please credit outside sources (e.g. brushes, textures, bases, lyrics, quotes)
- You may provide translations/definitions (e.g. foreign languages, tiny text, large words)
- If submitting an icon variation to a current & anonymous icontest, check with both mods
- If you change/edit your submission let me know so I can replace/upload the right one

If something is amiss with your submission I will reply/inform you of it and give you a chance to either resubmit the icon or fix the comment depending. It is at my discretion to disqaulify you for failure to follow these guidelines.

You have until Friday, May 31st at 11:00 PM Eastern to submit. A comment will be left when submissions are officially closed, no late entries will be accepted at that time unless an official extension is announced.

If you have any questions about this challenge, just leave a comment here. Otherwise, be creative, have fun and best of luck to you all!

And remember that each icon you enter earns a set number of cards for TCG Exchange if you choose to participate there.

week 396, submissions

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