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Comments 14

lady_rhian January 22 2012, 23:09:34 UTC
Totally understandable. I'm thinking I should do this too, but I think I created a dreamwidth at some point (not sure) and am totally in the dark as to how to transfer entries over.

But. Good points, all. Scary, but true.


madeleone January 22 2012, 23:25:31 UTC
You do have a DW account. LOL! I checked it out.


clairvoyant January 22 2012, 23:55:30 UTC
LOL You did create a Dreamwidth account. I know this because I've granted you access to my account and I've subscribed to your journal. It's their fancy two-step way of friending.

Importing your LJ entries is very easy. See my comment to Beth below.


beffeysue January 22 2012, 23:22:30 UTC
Was it a pain to import your entire LJ?


clairvoyant January 22 2012, 23:49:03 UTC
It was so very painless, just like me. ;)

On the homepage, you'll choose organize from the top menu. Then click on import content. It walks you through the process, letting you choose what content to import.

I think you can repeat the process whenever you like, especially if you've updated content on LJ. DW gives you the option to cross-post to LJ so that you don't have to double the work of making entries!


madeleone January 22 2012, 23:24:32 UTC
I agree, that's why I set up a DW account a couple of weeks back. I plan on remaining at LJ, but this is my back up plan, "just in case". I feel that this way I will still have access to those on my flist who also have a DW account.

I've added you to my circles over there.


clairvoyant January 22 2012, 23:52:14 UTC
Yes, I received notification of that. DW has some extra steps in friending and access to journals; it will take some time to get used to that.

I like the cross-posting feature of DW, too!

These changes at LJ... they won't be its demise, but I think you'll see more folks migrating to DW. We've weathered change before and we'll do it again. :D


kittylefish January 23 2012, 01:26:54 UTC
hmph. such a bother. i'm resisting the urge to do this and have this feeling that if everybody migrates from lj to dreamwidth, i'll probably just drop off the face of the planet ...


clairvoyant January 23 2012, 03:19:49 UTC
It was a just-in-case move, although I don't think LJ is going anywhere, nor are that many folks in our circle jumping ship.

It was super simple to create the account and import the content (see my comment to Beth above). The interface is almost identical to LJ's. Oh, and DW entries can be cross-posted to LJ!

Don't be afraid of the DW. ;)


kittylefish January 23 2012, 07:35:37 UTC
it's not about being afraid, so much as i'm not sure whether it's worth the bother, given my limited participation in fandom these days.


clairvoyant January 23 2012, 14:15:23 UTC
I don't think your level of fandom participation impacts your need to communicate. I think I speak for your friends when I say I want to know what's going on in your life whether it's fandom related or not. So, if LJ really disappears into the the ether, you better move your tushy over to DW! If I have to issue that order, know it's done with love. ;)



m_mcgonagall_65 January 24 2012, 03:17:21 UTC
That article on LJ changes was depressing. I guess I might have to put more work into my DW blog. It's pretty basic right now.


clairvoyant January 24 2012, 14:01:08 UTC
It was a bit bleak. It passed over the ddos attacks of the summer, but as it was meant to be positive spin for LJ, I expected them to gloss over the negative.

My DW is pretty basic as well. I tried to upload the same custom layout I have here, but the parameters didn't work. I was successful in importing my LJ entries, friends, tags, etc.

I will originate my entries from DW from now on because of their cross-posting feature. That's how I posted this one!


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