Reasonable news.

Jul 10, 2015 19:16

According to the higi station down the road, my BMI has gone down by half a kg/m2 over the year. Wiki says units are usually omitted informally, but I don't care. (I'm closer to the edge of underweight, but still OK.)

Higi means origins in a language based in Chad, according to the websiteAccording to Goodreads, I am two books ahead of schedule, ( Read more... )

chinese, reading, writing, vital statistics, russian

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Comments 11

denki_gisi July 11 2015, 19:14:33 UTC
Вы читали "Обломов" Гончарова? Наверное, в переводе на английском языке. Я не знал, что Гончарова переводят на английский язык. Наверное, для западного читателя, это непонятное произведение.

Have you read Oblomov Goncharov? Probably translated in English. I didn't know Goncharov translated into English. Probably, for the Western reader, this is a hard work.

Вы читаете по-русски?
You read Russian?


claire_chan July 11 2015, 21:36:25 UTC
Да, читаю по-русски. Немного. Толстой и Пастернак.
Yes, I read Russian. A little. Tolstoy and Pasternak.
(Those are the two biggest authors I have books in Russian)

Эта слепок переводить об Степан Пеарл, даже, потому что я - ленивая.
This is a copy translated by Stephen Pearl, though, because I am lazy.

Никогда видела перед.
Never saw it before.

Потеха будет! Или жертвы буду! Изображаю заглохну так и этак. Мочь с таким же успехом!
It'll be fun! Or I'll be dead! I figure I'll die either way. Might as well!


high Russian classics denki_gisi July 12 2015, 15:15:02 UTC
Наверное Вам стоит прочесть "Отцы и дети" Тургенева И.С.
Тема русского нигилизма вас наверное заинтересует.
Тургенев И.С. - это высокая русская классика.

Perhaps You should read "Fathers and sons" by Turgenev I. S.
The theme of the Russian nihilism of you will probably be interested in.
Turgenev I. S. is a high Russian classics.

Это поможет Вам лучше изучить русский язык.
This will help You to learn Russian language.

Экранизация романа "Отцы и дети" Тургенева И.С.:
Based on the novel "Fathers and sons" by Turgenev I. S.


Thank you! claire_chan July 12 2015, 18:51:24 UTC
Это похожий?
Is this film series similar?

"Отцы и дети" Тургенева И.С. ожидание, зато сейчас лучше чем никогда!
I have been waiting to read Fathers and Sons by Turgenev I.S., but now is better than never!


arrowwhiskers July 12 2015, 08:23:14 UTC
Wow 300 books!!! What an amazing number, almost a book every day :) Good luck in your goals.


claire_chan July 12 2015, 09:57:49 UTC
I'm warming up for next year the full Monty. I didn't think I could do 365 books a year this year due to laziness.

Thank you orz


claire_chan October 24 2015, 17:57:20 UTC
Now that I spend so much time at the elementary school library, I have updated my expected goal to 380 books. I keep upping it every time GR says I am 10 books ahead of schedule. It says I am 5 books ahead for 380 right now.

I don't want to disappoint myself, so I am only tentatively estimating that...

(I have read 313 so far, but so many of those are children's books with only a few words a page, so it isn't as impressive as the Tolstoy or Dickens stuff. As far as Tolstoy goes, I have been struggling through a Nikolai Tolstoy UK-based story that's so much like what I used to read all the time, but it's historical fiction like with Merlin and I can only barely remember anything so that is going slowlyI think it'd be cool to say I am going to read something like 500 books now that 365 is almost guaranteed :D (True, even in elementary school I've read so extensively ( ... )


arrowwhiskers October 25 2015, 15:33:17 UTC
I understand--I read only a fraction of that amount and I still don't remember much of it haha xD

500 is surely a lofty goal!! Oh my goodness. Though I suppose it is always better to have lofty goals than no goals at all. I suspect at your current rate you will soon run out of children's books at the library! Hehe :)


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