WHO: Teru, Light, and May-Lee
WHEN: Tuesday Jan. 22nd, After School
WHERE: Teru's Apartment -> Grocery Store
WHAT: Teru asked Light to take him to the grocery store.
WARNINGS: Emo, because let's face it, Teru is in this log :\
He will do one of two things; He will admit to everything; Or he'll say he's just not the same; And you'll begin to wonder why you came... )
Comments 12
More so, thought Light, it was probably just that their conversation of last night was still weighing on him. The thought of being responsible--
He shook his head, as if trying to shake the thoughts away, as if they were droplets of water. But they were more like burrs, and they clung to him, so that he stood on Teru's doorstep with a blankly calm face, and a sort of anger and concern inside which belied the exterior.
He threw on a smile, intending to be cheerful, but it fell the second he opened the door and saw Light in front of him. "...Hey." He just muttered quietly, steppingout and closing the door behind him.
In truth, Light felt scattered, perhaps a little-- he wasn't quite sure what. He wanted to yell. He wanted to apologize. He wanted to demand why.
But he didn't. Instead he nodded towards his car. "Come on. Don't exert yourself too much. I don't want your ribs getting worse."
Okay. Simple conversation. Teru could deal with that. Normal, average, everyday chit chats about the weather and last night's news special; those were things Teru could handle. He hoped, prayed, that Light wouldn't bring up anything remotely significant.
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