Title: Let’s Talk About Sex...
karine-itmlCharacters and/or pairings: Michael/Sara, Lincoln/Jane, Sucre/Maricruz
Genres: Oh my... crackfic, I guess
Rating: R
Summary: When Lincoln wriggles his eyebrows and says: “Confession time!” everybody thinks it’s a great idea.
be_cool_becNotes: written for challenge #3 at
pbhiatus_fic with the prompt “Let’s talk about sex,
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Comments 30
et les M&M's ? "Faites les tourner", comme ils disent ! :D
Hum. Reprenons-nous.
Les M&M's, la seule raison pour laquelle j'ai choisi des M&M's honnêtement... c'est parce que je ne trouvais pas d'autres bonbons non français :-| *Manque de références culturelles essentielles* :-p
“Yeah, Sink? You’d rather I make up stories about what was going on once the damn sheet was up?”
Can you imagine Linc's reaction would be? Priceless.
“Come on, Linc, everybody knew.”
“Yeah, I mean, it was pretty obvious...”
lol. Poor Linc. I liked this line also b/c it's a touch of seriousness without bringing the piece down. Just like this line And these are two people he doesn’t want to piss off, they don’t deserve it. For some reason this line just struck me. One, it shows how Linc cares about Michael and how he cares about Jane.
“No worries.” She smiles sweetly. “I was just wondering who the other man may have been.”
I think I've been reading too much slash.
Again, brilliant.
Lovely fun and nice surprises. Thanks for translating.
(No translation here: this one has been foolishly boldly written in English...)
I think I've been reading too much slash.
I guess I should have warned about hints of slashiness for both Michael and Sara :-p
Thanks for commenting :-)
This is so funny!
You know, this is definitely not what I meant when I told you about nice shipper stories *grin*
I'll send you that last one this weekend okay?
I swear I'm going to translate the nicest, sweetest story and have you beta-read it (and gag on the fluff) ;-)
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