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Oct 05, 2012 20:18

I hate the new format of the LJ-cut. Now, I'm not inciting anyone to anything, obviously, but if you don't like it either, the announcement for the latest release is HERE. I'm just sayin' ;)

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Gakked from torigatesPick a trope from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I'll tell you something about the story I'd write for that combination (i.e. ( Read more... )

writing: prompts, lj: memes, ego: rant, lj

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Comments 8

halfshellvenus October 5 2012, 19:02:01 UTC
I so want to see Michael/Lincoln with #12.

In fact, I feel that has full-length-fic crack potential. ;)


clair_de_lune October 5 2012, 21:08:46 UTC
Oh, my *g* I know nothing about babies, so I guess I'd go for something crackastic and I'd play on cliché situations. I'd probably make it Michael & Lincoln gen rather than Michael/Lincoln ( ... )


tuesdaeschild October 6 2012, 08:42:29 UTC
LJ left me behind long ago with all it's new-fangledness. :(

As tempted as I am with #8 for Michael/Anyone or Michael & Anyone I'm actually going for #11 with the same pairing or characters!

What do you mean, why is it always Michael?!! ;)


clair_de_lune October 7 2012, 10:59:27 UTC
It's not that I'm keeping my hopes very high, but maybe if enough people tell them they don't like the new format, LJ will do something about it. It happened once or twice...

Historical AU. Oh, you *g*

I'm lazy so I'd more or less adapt the premise of the show to an earlier time period. Since it's for you, of course it would be set in England, probably medieval England so that you have Michael and Lincoln in Robin Hood-like tights ;) Michael and Lincoln are from the small, poor nobility (gentry? not sure what the right word is). Lincoln already knows the inside of the Count's jail for having stolen food for his family - and also for having been caught in brawls with the Count's men too many times ( ... )


tuesdaeschild October 7 2012, 13:40:02 UTC
I'm definitely up for adding my name to the people-who-aren't-happy-with-the-new-format-LJ list. If it's worked before...

Robin Hood Lincoln Green tights!!! I'm sure the brothers would look incredibly dashing in them...as would Sucre. Not sure about Sheriff Kellerman!! ;)

Michael and Lincoln are from the small, poor nobility (gentry? not sure what the right word is).

They wouldn't be serfs, I suppose, although stealing food for his family implies Lincoln might be so perhaps he could be more into the brawling while under the influence of ale? That could then mean that his family could be minor nobility. Robin Hood was Robin of Loxley and while his family was probably land rich they could have been cash poor so that sounds about right. :)

Sheriff Kellerman would make a perfect baddie, naturally, and I just adore the idea that Lady Sara wouldn't be a demure damsel in distress and while he's rescuing Lincoln Michael would also be rescuing the feisty Lady from a fate worse than death!! Brilliant!

Free The Notttingham One!!!!I think I ( ... )


camille_miko October 7 2012, 15:40:37 UTC
Michael/Sucre et pretending to be married ou Michael/Lincoln et crossdressing ? L'un d'eux te branche ?


clair_de_lune October 7 2012, 19:04:34 UTC
Pretending to be married : Je n'ai pas du tout d'idée de situation, donc j'évacuerais la question en expliquant rapidement que c'est pour une "mission" durant la saison 4 et ensuite, je me concentrerais sur la préparation : décider comment ils se sont rencontrés, où ils se sont mariés, définir ce qui est interdit et ce qui est autorisé, notamment en matière de démonstrations d'affection, décider qui dort de quel côté du lit, etc.

Sucre serait très, très moyennement partant, mais au moins, son mari serait "papi". Michael serait amusé par la situation et la réaction de Sucre - mais un peu moins quand Sara commencerait à s'en mêler pour donner quelques conseils à Sucre, peut-être pour plaisanter mais plus vraisemblablement de façon très sérieuse; ça ne ferait que rendre les choses plus inconfortables pour Sucre et susciterait quelques commentaires/sous-entendus de la part de Lincoln.

Cross-dressing : j'ai répondu à foxriverinmate juste au-dessus pour celui-ci ;)


camille_miko October 14 2012, 14:48:10 UTC
J'adore ton Lincoln ♥ Il est très très chouette. J'imagine très bien les scènes.


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