Title: Back to Chicago (2/4) (
French version)
clair-de-luneCharacters: Michael, Lincoln, Sara, LJ (Michael/Sara, LJ/OFC)
Categories: Gen, het
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: “Do you at least remember why you’ve fallen out with each other?” (Post-series)
Author’s Note: This is the translation of a story I wrote
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Comments 10
I love the way you have written Linc and Sara's friendship and the way they interact. But, but...Linc's been married twice? Sara didn't wait and got married? Is she still married?
*waits impatients for 24 hours*
Also, I'm mean: it's a way to make Michael feel estranged from them *g*
Is she still married?
Given Linc's snarking about "how well everything turned out" with her marriage, I'd say Michael is pretty safe *g*
I think that would have been part of Michael's motivation; as selfless as Michael is even he realised he owed Lincoln...and more importantly loved.
I digress!
So Lincoln is twice-married and Sara married someone else! I'm kind of hoping she's divorced (or God forgive me, widowed!) but I'm going to find out over the next couple of days, aren't I?
Hmmm, I wonder where LJ got his stubborness and strong will from. Unlike his softer side I doubt it was from Lisa's genes!! ;)
This is brilliant, sweetheart! :)
This is what I liked about S1!Michael: he did what he did for several reasons, some of them good and some of them 'bad'. He does love Lincoln and realize he owes him, but he also acts on guilt - and breaking your brother out of jail to make *you* feel less bad... bad motivation *g*
God forgive me, widowed!
*ponders* After eveything he had to overcome, a dead, possibly still beloved, husband would be the last straw for Michael, wouldn't it?
Um, that was cynical of me *g*
That's what I was trying to say but you put it so much better than me! :)
Um, that was cynical of me *g*
A little. ;)
I love your writing, it's awesome. I can't wait for the next update. I want my questions to be answered!
Great job ♥
The why/how/who/when/etc. is not really the point - I wouldn’t want you to wait for something that won’t happen ;) It’s merely a way to show they had moved on (or not moved on actually). I’m a bit embarrassed because this fic was meant to be nothing more than a ‘picture’ of what they would have become if Michael had surrendered around the middle of the second season.
I hope you enjoy the resolution nonetheless, and in the meantime, thanks so much for the feedback ♥
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hey, apparently, things didn't end too well, LOL
Marrying someone else than Michael? In my mind, it was just a way to try to prove to others and to herself that she'd moved on. Of course things didn't end too well, it was bound to happen *g*
Thanks for reading :)
I really love what you've done here - there's a degree of complexity in your story, and I'm loving it.
I'm happy you're enjoying this so far :)
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