Fic List

Dec 31, 2017 23:59

Fic List

Fics may contain adult material. Please check their rating.
Certaines fics sont réservées à un public adulte. Veuillez vérifier les "ratings".

→ Prison Break: Gen | Het | Slash and Femslash | Threesomes
→ Other shows: The West Wing, Bones, The Good Wife, The Borgias, other

Prison Break
Le Caméléon
The West Wing, Read more... )

fanfics index

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Comments 14

your prison break fics anonymous April 23 2008, 17:40:55 UTC
hi, I'm not a LJ user but a keen reader and I just want to let you know I just adore you fics!
Please do not ever stop on the Mike/Linc stories, you capture the characters and let us dream on!
It is so very much appreciated even from the other side of the globe, love you, Innet.


Re: your prison break fics clair_de_lune April 25 2008, 17:21:41 UTC
Oh, thank you, it's very kind of you. I'm really happy to hear that people enjoy them.
And I'll do my best on the Michael/Lincoln front ;)


thethirdstone August 31 2008, 14:47:20 UTC
Bonjour !

I am sorry to be bothering but this is one thing I really must do!
I have been reading your fics on and I was quite surprised to find your fics...well...everywhere (!) on Livejournal =) But it's great because I wanted to tell you that I am huge huge fan of your stories!I do think you're very talented and I thoroughly enjoyed everything I read from you so far.To be honest , on all prison break fic sites , your name is the first one I am looking for.
So keep them coming , you're great!

The Third Stone


clair_de_lune September 1 2008, 17:40:03 UTC
Hi there!

Comments, especially that nice, are rarely a bother ;)
I'm really glad to know that you enjoy the stories, and I thank you for taking the time to drop me a note.

I have been reading your fics on and I was quite surprised to find your fics...well...everywhere (!) on Livejournal =)
Um. I can be a bit spammy :p

Thanks again for kind words :)


reality_escapee November 14 2008, 03:40:25 UTC

I've been lurking around on your lj and I decided to ask if I may add you to my flist? and if you'd like you can add me too :) I love to meet new PB fans =)


clair_de_lune November 16 2008, 17:32:43 UTC
Sure, friend away. I'll friend you back :)


reality_escapee November 16 2008, 18:13:11 UTC
I've friended you :)
Chat soon!


just amazing. laurens_fiction April 12 2012, 21:08:58 UTC
i've read through a large portion of your stories (mainly before i had lj - hence the lack of comments on all of them) and your work is utterly fantastic. beyond fantastic really. you're exceptionally talented, and i love reading all of them.


Re: just amazing. clair_de_lune April 14 2012, 19:48:38 UTC
Hey! Welcome to LiveJournal, then.
Thanks a lot for your kind words. So glad that the stories have been keeping you entertained :D


anonymous May 7 2014, 20:20:03 UTC

I found your Prison Break fics a few weeks ago and have already read so many...I think they're probably my favourites, too. It's so rare to find fanfic that blends excellent pathos and smut and you do it very well! The fact that English isn't your first language makes them even more admirable.

I'm also grateful for your Rec list too. Having recently discovered the show I was so pleased to find great fic still out there 5 years later.


clair_de_lune May 7 2014, 21:18:16 UTC

It's so nice to see there are still people out there still reading and enjoying those fics :D Thanks a lot for your kind words.
To be fair, I have a very nice and very patient beta who helps when my grammar is a bit too... creative ;)

I'm glad the rec list is handy. Sadly many fics are gone, either because the LJs hosting them are gone or locked or because has vanished, but yay some if some links are still working!

Thank you again for taking the time to drop a note and happy reading :)


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