I'm not sure posting this is a good idea...

Aug 01, 2010 18:26

... but I'll blame it on foxriverinmate, as usual ;)

A few warnings:
♦ I suck at Photoshop and everything involving graphics.
♦ I suck even more so at Photoshop since I used to use Paint Shop Pro (a long time ago), and I don't have it on my latop.
♦ The base pic was tiny, which maybe was actually a good thing - tiny pic → less obvious flaws.
♦ I swear I'm not high on wine and/or Nutella ;)
♦ No apologies to Angelina Jolie because I'm not that fond of her.

So, last year I wrote a story, Once In a Blue Moon...

I guess now, I have to photo-manip Sara in a tux ;)
ETA: I did photo manip Sara in a tux.

ego: omg, ego: flist, fanart: manip, fandom: prison break, fic: blue moon

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