Title: Unmade on Earth
clair_de_luneCharacters: Veronica, Jane
Genres: Gen, crackfic.
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 290
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: “Sara dumped us and went back among them.”
Notes: This is a sequel for
An Association Made In Heaven. You should probably read that one first if you want the whole thing to make sense. Not that there's a chance it does make sense but... whatever ;) Thanks to
slysionnachnano for the read-through.
“She dumped us, you know.”
“Sara. She dumped us and went back among them.”
“Don’t be like that, Veronica. It was a one time opportunity. She wasn’t going to pass up on it. She has things to take care of.”
“You mean you’re okay with this?”
“You’re really okay with this. In two seconds, you’re going to tell me that you’d rather be down there!”
“Don’t throw me that look! I don’t mean down there. I mean... You know what I mean. I can’t believe you. After I had to talk them into letting you in?”
“I have unfinished business.”
“With Lincoln?”
“... among a lot of other things.”
“Okay, this is awkward. I have unfinished business with the Company. They fucking tried to gut me when they kidnapped LJ.”
“You may want to watch your language around here, Jane.”
“Sorry. You’re right. I’m not of the vengeful type, but I don’t like being screwed like that.”
“Sorry again.”
“So if you could, you’d go back?”
“It’s not like there was any evidence or hard proof that I’m... not perfectly alive. It’s just speculations on their part. But if it happened, I would miss you like hell.”
“Which is where you’ll end up if you keep that up. You’re still on probation here.”
“You’re absolutely right. I know you had to outdo yourself to save my ass... my butt, and I really appreciate that. And I’m sorry I ruffled your feathers.”
“Is this a joke about my wings?”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“The three of us. It was an association made in Heaven. We deserved it, you know? And now, it’s been unmade on Earth.”
“It’s not unmade, Vee.”
“It’s just postponed. You know... Sooner or later...”
* *
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