Friends Only...

Dec 20, 2020 14:43

Leave me a comment and say hello if you think we have anything in common. I promise I won't bite.

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Comments 24

zortrana August 20 2007, 15:37:42 UTC
I hear you! There are reasons why I flocked my journal, too. Too bad about the comment, but "Bunny Boilers" made me laugh because I hadn't heard it put quite that way!
Bleah on weird comments.


scramblings October 26 2007, 23:57:17 UTC
While I'm not snagging them I just wanted to let you know that your "Brian Kinney: Virgin Layer" and "Brian Kinney: Best Porn Ever" icons made me piss myself with laughter. Thanks for the comic relief. *wipes brow*


nee_chan November 6 2008, 03:57:35 UTC
so... I didn't have you friended before, however, I am part of the bjfic comm and I can't always get on lj as often as I would like. This being said... a lot of the time I come across stories that have already been started and I like to be able to just go the the author's page and find the back chapters...

If this isn't a good enough reason to friend me, I'd completely understand... I'll just trudge through the back posts on the comm. ^_^


claddagh_girl November 6 2008, 09:24:24 UTC
My journal is flocked because I write about my real life a lot and I like to keep that private unless I get to know someone really well.

"Until The Scenery Changes" is the only fiction I've written so far and all of it will be posted at bjfic, my entries are tagged with my name so you should be able to find them pretty easily.

Please don't be offended by my not friending you, it really is nothing personal


nee_chan November 6 2008, 22:33:52 UTC
not offended it the slightest!

BTW... I'm really enjoying the fic thus far. ^_^ That means you need to write more. ~_^


claddagh_girl November 7 2008, 16:19:55 UTC
A couple of other new people have friended me now, too. I feel really bad about not friending everyone back so I have made my fiction entries public.
I don't know if I will get to write more, but I would like to.
Take care, and thanks for your comment!


lindsiloolabell March 16 2009, 10:17:54 UTC
Are you getting any of my emails lately?


claddagh_girl March 16 2009, 10:27:12 UTC
Check your inbox


accioslash October 2 2009, 17:21:11 UTC
Hi! I'm friending you so your public posts will appear on my flist. I'd be delighted if you friended me back because I would also be interested in reading your other posts as well. But I will completely understand if you don't. I read in dozens of fandoms, but am only ever active in one at a time. And for the past six? years that has been Harry Potter fandom. I mod a number of Snape/Harry comms, so the majority of my posts are Snarry-related or are my art posts, so I understand completely if this doesn't interest you. Feel free to check out my user page here or on Insane Journal if you are concerned that I am a random weirdo. ;D


claddagh_girl October 2 2009, 17:45:28 UTC
No problem, honey. I've seen you around and I think we have spoken a few times, I know you aren't a weirdo! :o)
I already added you back.


accioslash October 2 2009, 18:16:29 UTC
Hee! Well, no promises about not being a weirdo, but I can guarantee I'm not a random one. ;D Thanks, hon. ♥


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