Happy Labor Day everyone! Sorry if I'm spamming your flist. =P Also, is it bad that I just found out it was Labor Day like 3 minutes ago?
The other night at dinner, I went to get some food out of the pot on the stove. I always check the other burner to see if it's hot before I put my plate down so my hands are free. I think I do it because I'm worried the plate will explode if it gets too hot or something. Anyway, all of the times I've checked it, it's never been hot. Well, this time when I put my hand on it, it was really hot even though I wasn't expecting to be and I ended up burning my hand. I have this disgusting looking blister thing on my hand and it hurts when anything touches it. It's a pain in the ass. Or, hand.
So. I have another announcement. You may think I'm crazy, but I got another puppy. We actually got him about 2 weeks ago, but I didn't say anything because (a) I wanted to get him to the vet first to make sure everything was good (which it is), and (b) because I didn't want anyone to think I don't care about or miss Piper anymore. I do, every day. This time though, I made sure we were allowed to go in the house and make sure it was clean, and that the puppies were treated well. It was clean, and I could tell the puppies were loved and these people were actually a little sad to see him leave.
The puppy's name is Dexter. My brother wanted to name him Captain Underpants, because he's got this marking in the back that looks like pants. We still call him Captain sometimes, because he likes hoarding all his toys into his bed like a pirate would hoard treasure. XD He's just over 3 pounds, and the vet gave us the all clear when we went. And holy crap, Dexter HOWLED when he got his shot. The hot vet tech guy who's tall and has fivearms like Jared said chihuahua's are usually pretty sensitive to shots. If it was a lab puppy he wouldn't have even noticed. The vet checked him out (including, and I quote, "making sure his equipment was all there"), and said he's "much better than the last one". I didn't exactly appreciate the wording, but at least he's healthy.
Alright, pictures first. That way you can skip over the ramble/rant if you want. =P
This is Dexter. We call him Dex for short.
One of his ears doesn't stand up all the way. ^^
Like I said, he likes to hoard all of his toys into his bed.
This is Dexter and Daisy. They get along pretty well.
Dexter and Muffy. Muffy is a really fat tolerant cat, and she lets Dexter jump all over her.
N'aww again. =P
This was in the bathtub after his first bath. He's very pink under his fur. See his pants?
He was a little scared afterwards. =P
LOL. This reminds me of Anchorman when Ron Burgundy is walking around with the huge boner and says "Don't act like not impressed." XD We had to put a pillowcase over his bed because he would not stop chewing at it and getting fuzz in his mouth. Don't tell my little cousin we're using his power ranger pillow case. =P
He's so sweet, and he's such a playful puppy, but not overly obnoxious like some are. He loves to play with Daisy and the cats. He also talks. If you make a growling noise at him, he'll growl back at you, and if you bark, he'll bark back. I thought of naming him Chewy because he sounds like Chewbacca when he does that. The sad thing is, because Dexter is so playful, it makes me think Piper was sick from when we first got her, and that it just didn't really start showing until a couple weeks later. She hardly played at all. I never heard her bark once, she only whined now and then when she wanted to get picked up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. She was an absolute sweet heart, but she was just so quiet. The lady we got her from came out onto her porch with the puppies instead of letting us in. That was a stupid mistake on my part, I should've said we needed some time to think or something and just left, but what can you do? The vet said Piper had coccidiosis (that may be spelled wrong). What happens is that bacteria attacks the digestive tract, and because of it they can't really absorb any nutrients and end up getting really weak and dehydrated. Because she was so little (1 pound 1 oz), it really took a toll on her and that's what she died from.
The thing about coccidiosis though is that they get it from other puppies. Our other dog is 11 years old, certainly not a puppy. I also talked to a vet who used to live next door to us, and he said that if they start showing signs within 13 days of when you get the puppy, that means they got it from where they were living. She started showing signs within a week, so yeah, she definitely got it from them. Another thing is that after we told the lady we got Dexter from about what happened with Piper, she asked where they were located. I told her the crossroads, and she told us that she's heard they're known for actually smuggling puppies across the border from mexico and selling them here. I think that's sick that making money is so important to them that innocent puppies are suffering and they don't even care. When we took Dexter to the vet, I asked him if the Humane Society could do anything about it. He said it's possible, but the people could try to say they know the puppies are sick and that they've still found it in their heart to care for them, or some other bullshit like that. I'm still going to call and see though. It's worth a try.
Well shit. That was kind of depressing. And LONG. If you're still reading, have a good day, especially if you have the day off! =)