Is this the end?

May 14, 2010 09:40

Who can write a proper review today?

I expected the 'Swan song' to be emotional but not THAT emotional.
If there is anyone who didn't cry at all, let me know how much you love SPN because THAt episode was the whole point and core of this show.
It reminded us how much these two brothers could take all the way since his childhood and they stick together through joy and sadness.
They faced every evil along with their 'home', 'baby' Impala till the final hour, the final battle between Good and Evil. Impala didn't betray them till the end, she gave the light to evil's eye like a living character.
All these flashbacks gave me chills and tears and i caught myself saying 'If the show was over now, this is how it'd look like'.
But it didn't and the surprising final appearance of Sam will lead us to S6.
Angel or human or demon? We'll see.

Dean: Just seeing his teary eyes and hearing his brotherly confessions to Sam, it was enough to cry. He didn't give up till the last minute and had all the faith in his heart that somewhere inside Lucifer was his Sammy. Dean is what he is. He will always protect Sam even if he dies.
Sam: He gave everything he got to fight Lucifer. The mirror scene was so eerie and chilling.
Lucifer always wanted Sam's powerful vessel to defy everything in the world and everyone especially his Father.
Love conquered everything and Sam won but it wasn't the happy ending we all wanted.
Adam as Michael was the Good Son, he had to fight his evil brother even none of them really wanted. Did Lucifer try to trick him? Maybe but Lucifer showed all his evil 'killing' Castiel and Bobby.
But Castiel returned as an Angel, bringing him back and healed Dean's wounds after the terrible beating from Lucifer but who can heal the inner wounds and pain that Dean was feeling?
Maybe Lisa?
Dean promised Sam to have a normal life if everything went wrong. Will it be normal?
Last but not least? Chuck.
His whole narration was moving describing the whole trip of the Impala and the boys.
He finished his book and disappeared in thin air.

Will the hope disappear from us? Nooo!
Sam will send a sign to Dean that he's 'there' and Dean will respond trying to bring him back with all his powers and be together again.
Fight the good fight.

Carry on my Wayward sons.

Don't you cry no more.


The birth of a legend.



Collecting blood.

Angels don't snore.


The 'end' in Detroit.



Ok, let's go!

The important stuff.

Icy cold Lucifer.

Powerful Sam.

Lu knows about the rings.


Sam/Lu is rising.

Bye Mark, we'll miss you!

Dean!! The rings!!

Who wants to go in? Certainly not Sam or...Lucifer!

It always happens in Detroit.


Lu and Sam's old friends.

The puppy fights.

Everyone gives up but Dean.

Lucifer had a dinner, puppy is scared.

Good ole days.

Watching the stars for hours without saying a word *melts*

They were never homeless.

The prophet helps Dean.

Dean won't let Sam die alone.

The 'end'.

Hello Adam aka Michael.

Blame it on God.

What's that?

Dean and his 'baby'.

Howdy boys!

Someone's vessel is pissed.

Hey assbutt!!??

Lucifer is VERY pissed.


Sammy can you hear me and us?

You're such a pain in my ass.

No Bobby!!


Sam, it's ok. I'm here, i'm not going to leave you *sobs*


Sammyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! Everything is going to be alright, right?

Puppy is afraid again.

But Michael doesn't give up.


Alone and shattered.

The Angel's touch.

New and improved Cas.

There will always be fans who will bitch about the end, right?

Cas will be the new sheriff in Heaven.

Bye Bobby!

Hello Lisa!

Angels or demons, the boys make their own choices.

Family, that's the whole point.

Nothing really ends, does it?

Of course not.

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