19/02/06 - mini hero hunt part 2 for superhero_land

Feb 06, 2019 16:03

6 more icons and more things to find :)
Things to Make:
Make an Icon of your favorite DC/Marvel TV Show (Daredevil)

Make an icon a nonhuman hero or villain (Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2))

Make a graphic of a superhero that starts with the first letter of your name (Luke Cage)

Make a graphic of a superhero with his/her loved one (Scott/Hope (Ant-Man anad the Wasp))

Make a graphic of your current favorite superhero (Matt Murdock (The Defenders))

Create a graphic with a superhero and their signature weapon (Steve Rogers (Captain America: The Winter Soldier))

Create a graphic with a female superhero (Colleen Wing (Iron Fist))

Create a graphic of a superhero with a suit, but without a mask (Natasha Romanoff (The Avengers))

Create a graphic of a superhero flying (Falcon (Captain America: The Winter Soldier))

Things To Find:
Find a screencap of a superhero & friends (either other superhero or civilian friends) (Daredevil)

Find a screencap of your favorite scene from any of the Marvel or DC movies (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

Find an image of Someone wearing very colorful clothes / a colorful superhero costume.(Captain America: The First Avenger)

Find an icon of your favorite MCU/DCEU character smiling (Steve Rogers (Captain America: The First Avenger))

Find a photo of a celebrity wearing something superhero fandom related (eg a Batman t-shirt) (Chris Evans)

Find a Black and White icon of your favorite superhero/villain character (Daredevil)

by jokermary
Find an icon of your favorite female superhero/villain (Jessica Jones)

by word_never_said
Find an icon of your favorite superhero (Captain America)

by deternot
Find an icon of your favorite villain (The Winter Soldier)

by jsfunction
Find a picture with actors at Conventions (Captain America: The Winter Soldier cast at Comic Con)

Find a picture with people in Cosplay

tv:luke cage, movie:captain america: winter soldier, movie:guardians of the galaxy vol. 2, tv:daredevil, !icons, movie:the avengers, 2019 icons, tv:iron fist, movie:ant-man and the wasp, comm:superhero_land

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