I'm going to have to double check Kalleesta, because I beat her when she was a Boss and when she was a Hero, but I missed the Elite Boss variant. I don't think I have that badge.
I only faced her as an Elite Boss as my Brute and have Seaweed. It was a silly fight... DA Brute against an EB with lots of Knockback? Can you say "WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
My MM just beat her as a Hero-downgraded-to-EB and got Seaweed. Never faced her before that.
However, my Brute faced her as a Hero before the AV-EB change, but severely outlevelled (I think -6). Didn't face her before either, didn't get a badge (I think; need to check).
Comments 8
I remember being on a cargo ship; taking a tug boat to the tanker, and going inside to face a map not unlike many of the Striga cargo ship missions.
It was a silly fight... DA Brute against an EB with lots of Knockback? Can you say "WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
However, my Brute faced her as a Hero before the AV-EB change, but severely outlevelled (I think -6). Didn't face her before either, didn't get a badge (I think; need to check).
I think something might be up.
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