Hmm. OK. So. Mucked around a bit in beta ; largely looking at numbers, but also trying to test a few mechanics. I will NOT give any active spoilers on anything I have seen / done in game - this is strictly a powerset thoughts post so that I can expand on what I saw, what I thought of it, and how I can see using / deploying a given set
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Comments 15
In any case, thanks for the infodump, gang! Tell me: do Beam Rifle and Time Manipulation synch up well?
Time and Demon Summoning are like PB&J. Stacking up holds, slows, and bringing the "I get to do things, while you don't." to the party.
I ran into fewer end issues once I reached SOs than I did with my DS/Dark MM. In particular, combining Hell on Earth and with the accelerate on my T2 pet is brutal. Far more brutal is putting that on an allied NPC when I'm soloing. I'm looking forward to running an ITF with my DS/Time MM and getting Pastitron as my personal rad provider of DOOM.
Beam Rifle: I have a BR/Poison corr. Soloing so far involves a lot of kiting and 'run away and live to fight in about a minute'. The new splash affect for the previously single target debuffs is a huge help.
I have so far only managed to team once with another BR user, but it was brutal. Disintigrate on an AV followed up by a both of us hitting the target with attacks caused them to melt.
I would love to see a full team of BR users and what they are capable of.
Oh gods... Corruptor Daze all over again. (I miss Corruptor Daze...)
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