[Video\Action] || Hunt 22 ||

Apr 11, 2011 22:44

[So, Dean had ventured out to get food. And he got swarmed by freaking robots. Great ( Read more... )

[ou] dean winchester

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Comments 62

Action;; albinoidiot April 11 2011, 22:15:55 UTC
[And in a matter of seconds, a red blur was now crouched beside Dean checking his own guns with a big grin on his face.]

Hey, hunter. Seems like the party started without me.


Re: Action;; 100deaths_a_day April 11 2011, 23:09:35 UTC
[Dean clicked a new clip into place.]

look who's late to the party. You're lucky there's any desert left.

[He glanced around the corner, and tucked his head back around just as a laser blasted into the wall, leaving a smoking crater.] I'm going home. Meeting Sammy and mom.


Re: Action;; albinoidiot April 12 2011, 12:01:32 UTC
No desert? Guess I'll steal some of- [And the ground exploded somewhere near them making the devil shield his face with one hand and brush off his expensive leather coat casually.] yours.

We need to talk about how we're gonna organize ourselves. Can't spread around, it'll be easier to take down the bots if we put our manpower together.


Re: Action;; 100deaths_a_day April 12 2011, 12:50:29 UTC
[Dean's used to being dusty and dirty, so he doesn't bother brushing himself off. just covering his face.]

they're everywhere. It'll be easier if you cover my ass, whilst I push forwards. [not easier. Dean just... likes to take the lead.]


Video; knowledgephilia April 12 2011, 13:31:39 UTC
Well, you certainly have everything covered. [Ad no, that wasn't sarcasm. She's frowning at the sound of gunshots.] What is your strategy?


Re: Video; 100deaths_a_day April 12 2011, 14:59:46 UTC
Get home. [He shrugs. Strategy? what strategy? We don't need no shteenking strategy.]


Video; knowledgephilia April 12 2011, 17:19:35 UTC
And what then? [You really are Harry, aren't you?]

I can create a barrier around the house and hope SAMM will not be able to break through it or detect it.


Re: Video; 100deaths_a_day April 12 2011, 18:44:11 UTC
or, I can let 'em come to me and wipe out those dicks.

Solving the problem rather than delaying it


hunter_returns April 13 2011, 23:50:41 UTC
Like hell you're going out there without me. Stay there, damnit.


100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 00:06:58 UTC
Already out here, dude. Just get to Mom and keep her safe.

As I said, I'll be back soon.


hunter_returns April 14 2011, 02:05:43 UTC
Damnit Dean, get your ass back to the house. We'll go out together.

[There's an aggrivated sigh]

Get hurt out there and I will so kick your ass.


100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 09:22:06 UTC
Hey, this is me we're on about. I'll come back, kick my heels and do a fancy dance if that makes you feel better.

[Something explodes a little to his left.]

I'll be fine.


itwasforthem April 14 2011, 22:47:12 UTC
Dean! [Mary fumbles with her video feed for a moment. She's at the house already.] Dean, what is going on?


100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 23:51:52 UTC
Mom, stay at the house. The robots have gone crazy. I'll-

[There's a pause, whilst there's a cloud of dust which he shields himself from. He uncovers his face after the dust settles a bit, and pokes his head and his shoting arm around the corner as he shoots the bot that had shot at him.]

I'll be back as soon as I can. I have both my guns, but there's a knife under my pillow. Grab that in case any of the bots get too close. [But he'd prefer they didn't, which is why he won't return until their numbers have thinned out a little. He'd like to not mention the knife either, but he'd like to think you somewhat safe and armed.]


itwasforthem April 15 2011, 00:33:36 UTC
[Mary unvoluntarily flinches at the gunshots. There's a knife under his pillow...? Oh Gog. No, no; she had to worry about that later.

Right now, her son needed her help.]

Dean, I'm coming to get you.


100deaths_a_day April 15 2011, 05:59:38 UTC
[He's just going to reason this out slowly snd calmly -more for himself so he doesn't bark out the "stay in the house" order, as is his first reaction.]

They have lasers. You'll have a knife. You've got more chance of [staying alive] not getting hurt if you wait there. Please.


wontdo_dean April 17 2011, 15:54:37 UTC
Dean! What the hell--? [Screw it. She's already on her way to his location.]


100deaths_a_day April 17 2011, 16:45:47 UTC
Jo. [goddamn it.] Go back to mine, I'll be there in a damned minute.


wontdo_dean April 17 2011, 18:36:17 UTC
Like hell, Dean. Besides, I'm just around the corner. [For someone who likes knives, Jo is very good with gun too. Shoot and fire; don't miss. Nothing to it.]

[She hurries and crouches beside Dean.] Hey.


100deaths_a_day April 18 2011, 11:44:21 UTC
Hey. [he's unimpressed with you showing up, in case you didn't know.]

Have you got your weapons back, and if so, what have you got?


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