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[Audio] 100deaths_a_day April 11 2011, 16:43:12 UTC
[Yeah, there's only one reason that this kid would call him privately. Because he'd done something wrong. And Dean.... he thouoght he knew what.

Doesn't mean he'll make it easy for Gokudera, even if Dean knows he deserves having his ass kicked. Have a videoless reply.]

Why so serious? [Heath Ledger... Best Joker ever..]

You know, I think Jared might have have taken her a bit more seriously if Sarah had spoken to him like that.


Re: [Audio] 100deaths_a_day April 13 2011, 16:24:11 UTC
And yet, you just keep talking.

[Careful, if you want him to keep the feed open, you shouldn't say things like that. He'll think you want him to hang up.]


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen April 13 2011, 18:23:36 UTC
Don't think I'm doing it for any other reasons! I still need to find you to kick your ass!

[Even if it's the very last thing he does]


Re: [Audio] 100deaths_a_day April 13 2011, 18:41:34 UTC
And so it's like an electronic version of Marco polo.


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen April 13 2011, 21:51:14 UTC
[He rolls his eyes. You can't see it, but it's happening. The only available response for the next minute is an explosion, though it's not caused by him.

Gokudera is leading the swarm of robots following him closer to the first housing district]

As if!

[Dean doesn't have to say anything. If he can hear an explosion, then he knows he's close by]


Re: [Audio - action] 100deaths_a_day April 13 2011, 22:26:29 UTC
[yeah he heard that. That was much too close to home, and he wouldn't risk his family like that. So, he'll bring the fight out to you.

He heads in the direction of the explosion that he heard, until he hears and sees more of the kerfuffle. He speaks into the communicator.] Marco


Re: [Audio - action] bakudan_shounen April 13 2011, 23:27:20 UTC
[With Dende hidden safely in District three, he's able to fight without putting him in any danger. He's honestly a bit surprised that Dean wants to keep up the stupid game when he is so obviously fighting against a swarm of the robots by himself.]

Hn. [He breathes a laugh as he aims a shot at another robot. A laser strikes one of his shields and it shrinks before falling away]


[Gokudera lets loose a barrage of bullets to take down the nearest robot. It falls easily enough and he wipes his bangs from his eyes as he looks around, listening carefully for Dean]


Re: [Audio - action] 100deaths_a_day April 13 2011, 23:32:06 UTC
[If you hear the few choice shtos Dean pulls as robots start approaching him, you're close.]


[Another shot. That bot came a little too close. So long as they stayed away from the housing, he didn't really care.]


Re: [Audio - action] bakudan_shounen April 13 2011, 23:45:30 UTC
[Gokudera blinks as one of the robots in the swarm falls, and not from one of his sun activated bullets. He glares ahead, the distance from his nearest target printed out on his contact lenses along with the wind speed, temperature, humidity, and corrections for gravity and magnetic fields clouding Dean from his view. Instead, his shields jump out and circle around him while he focuses on the next robot.

I'll have to use more dynamite, He thinks, focusing less energy on opening more boxes, and instead depending on the resources at hand. They would take down more bots, but not for good. It would only be enough to disable them momentarily, or keep them from remaining airborne.

Gokudera tosses his rocket bombs and rushes forward, shooting at them so his blast is enhanced while it engulfs a few more robots.]

Polo [He's finally managing to close the distance between them]


Re: [Audio - action] 100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 00:26:15 UTC
Well, look who's late to the party...

[He's still being choosy about his shots, and doing well at taking any immediate threats down. He pulls out the colt as he reloads the m1911 and fires off one bullet into a bot that was aiming at him, before switching back to the regular pistol, slipping the colt away.

There's a sudden barrage of fire, and he ducks behind the nearest cover, the spot where he was stood becoming a cloud of dust. A little too close for his liking] ....dodged a bullet there...



Re: [Audio - action] bakudan_shounen April 14 2011, 00:34:18 UTC
If I knock them down, would it make it easier?

[As much as he'd hate to cooperate, he's not the only one under attack here, and he wants to make sure that these things are destroyed so that Dende won't be in danger. He's running out of the energy required to power his Systema, but he is far from empty on dynamite.

He gasps as one of the robots seems to go beserk. Uri is clutching to its back, the flames produced by her eating away at the metal and causing it to spin about as it tries to fling her off, firing lasers at the other bots floating around it in the swarm]

Uri!! [His voice drips with concern, then annoyance] Don't go off on your own!!

[The storm cat hops onto another robot, opening weak points in each one as she goes along, regardless of her owner's concern]


Re: [Audio - action] 100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 09:17:36 UTC
[He pops his head round, and makes a quick bot count. The ammo box in his pocket had enough bullets in it, even if the gun did not.]

If you can get them to stop shoting at me long enough, I can take them out. Then, so long as no more show up, we can get that alone time yoou're obviously so desperate for.

[He quickly reloads the pistol]

I don't do pillow talk with guys though, so you could be sorely disappointed.


Re: [Audio - action] bakudan_shounen April 14 2011, 14:40:36 UTC
Hmph. [He watches as Uri disables the bots one by one and pulls out a few more sticks of dynamite.

The next explosion goes off closer to Dean than he might have intended. Maybe. Gokudera likes his distance. Just because they're both fighting robots doesn't mean they get to cuddle.]

You call it alone time, I'm just fucking sick of this... [The robots, the city, the bleeding hole in his shoulder, Dean.]


Re: [Audio - action] 100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 15:29:36 UTC
You and me both [he sighs. He rounds the corner, and begins rapidly pulling off shots at the disabled bots, ducking back behind it to reload and avoid lasers.]

And watch where you're throwing them damned things. I've not been killed by an explosion yet, and I don't intend to start now.


Re: [Audio - action] bakudan_shounen April 14 2011, 15:37:12 UTC
Uri! [He's back to yelling at his cat. She may be doing them both a lot of good, but he doesn't think he'll be able to stomach her getting shot. The cat ignores him] Hey! We're supposed to be working together!!

[She rips open another robot and hops down to stand some distance away from him. The robots turn their attention to her, but she manages to dodge, hissing and fluffing up in anger.

With their enemies distracted, it's easier for his dynamite to land, striking where she'd managed to break off a back panel. It explodes and he grins, punching a fist into the air with childlike excitement as the bot hits the ground. There's only a handful left now.]

I wasn't aiming at you. Relax.


Re: [Audio - action] 100deaths_a_day April 14 2011, 16:13:03 UTC
[He can only raise an eyebrow as you riase your fist into the air. You hate being called 'kid', and yet you do something like that.

Not that it matters at the minute. He focuses back on the bots, taking a couple more down with his deadly accuracy.]

I'm relaxed. [Killing things always makes him feel better.]


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