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Comments 31

[Audio] 100deaths_a_day April 11 2011, 16:43:12 UTC
[Yeah, there's only one reason that this kid would call him privately. Because he'd done something wrong. And Dean.... he thouoght he knew what.

Doesn't mean he'll make it easy for Gokudera, even if Dean knows he deserves having his ass kicked. Have a videoless reply.]

Why so serious? [Heath Ledger... Best Joker ever..]

You know, I think Jared might have have taken her a bit more seriously if Sarah had spoken to him like that.


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen April 11 2011, 16:49:31 UTC
Sometimes I have no idea what the hell you're going on about.

[There's the sound of metal scraping against concrete as he takes down another robot and flies on.]

Now isn't the time to be stupid! Where are you?

[If anything were to happen to Dean. SERIOUSLY happen to him, he's sure Dende would freak out... and BECAUS OF DEAN, end up blaming himself.]


Re: [Audio] 100deaths_a_day April 11 2011, 17:02:31 UTC
Hmmm... Where I am depends on what you want. I'm guessing that a hug after your nap isn't it.


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen April 11 2011, 17:07:28 UTC
Your damn right it isn't! What the fuck were you thinking saying something like that to Dende!? I'll fucking kill you!!

[Okay, so maybe he can't help that his emotions are getting the best of him]



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